
168 lines
4.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#pragma once
#ifndef Engine_h
#define Engine_h
#define NOMINMAX // Because I hate Microsoft now. ~Angry Dan. http://lolengine.net/blog/2011/3/4/fuck-you-microsoft-near-far-macros
#include "EngineIncludes.h"
namespace Oyster
2013-11-20 10:22:01 +01:00
namespace Graphics
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class Engine
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2013-11-20 10:22:01 +01:00
/*class Init
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struct Setup
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int NrOfBuffers;
bool MSAA_Quality;
bool Fullscreen;
bool SingleThreaded;
bool Reference;
bool ForceDX11;
bool GenerateDepthStencil;
bool BindDefault;
HWND window;
//all but Window params have Default Values
MSAA_Quality = false;
Fullscreen = true;
SingleThreaded = true;
Reference = false;
ForceDX11 = false;
GenerateDepthStencil = true;
BindDefault = true;
static bool IsInstanced();
//Creates Device and DeviceContext, if not Initialized
static bool Instance(bool SingleThreaded=true,bool Reference=false,bool ForceDX11=false);
static bool HasSwapChain();
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//Creates Swapchain, if not Aready Created
static bool CreateSwapChain(HWND Window, int NrofBuffers=1,bool MSAA_Quality=false,bool Fullscreen=true);
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//CreateWindow, if Not Already Created
static bool InitializeWindow(const LPCSTR appName, const LPCSTR className,const HINSTANCE &hInstance, const int &nCmdShow, WNDPROC wProc, bool HandleLoop = false );
2013-11-20 10:22:01 +01:00
//Performs a full initialization of a rendering pipeline, including a Window
static bool FullInit(const Setup& setup);
struct Buffers
static Buffer* CreateBuffer(const Buffer::BUFFER_INIT_DESC BufferDesc);
class States
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//SSAO Quality
static void SetNrOfSSAOSamples(int);
static int GetNrOfSSAOSamples();
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//SSAO Frequency
static void SetSSAOSampleSpread(int);
static int GetSSAOSampleSpread();
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static void SetMaxPointlights(int);
static int GetMaxPointlights();
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2013-11-20 10:22:01 +01:00
class Render
/// Render a number of models, setting the Per model data to the included cBuffer
/// specify NULL if no such data exists
//static void Geometry(const Oyster::Graphics::Render::Model* models,int count,Buffer* cBufferEveryObject, int slot);
static void Text(std::string text, Oyster::Math::Float2 size, Oyster::Math::Float3 Pos);
//static void TextBox(const Oyster::Render::
2013-11-20 10:22:01 +01:00
//ensure that a compatible 2D shadereffect is applied
static void ScreenQuad(ID3D11ShaderResourceView* srv, float ZPos=1);
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//ensure that a compatible 2D shadereffect is applied and that pos.z is between 0 and 1
static void Sprite(ID3D11ShaderResourceView* srv, Oyster::Math::Float2 size, Oyster::Math::Float3 Pos);
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static void PresentScene();
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2013-11-20 10:22:01 +01:00
class PrepareForRendering
//Binds several rendertargets and a depthstencil
static void BindRenderTargets(ID3D11RenderTargetView** RenderTargets,int NrOfTargets,ID3D11DepthStencilView* depth);
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//Binds several Rendertargest and a default depthstencil
static void BindRenderTargets(ID3D11RenderTargetView** RenderTargets,int NrOfTargets);
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//Binds the backbuffer and a depthstencil
static void BindBackBuffer(ID3D11DepthStencilView* depth);
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//Binds the backbuffer and a default depthstencil
static void BindBackBuffer();
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//Binds the backbuffer to the compute shader
static void BindBackBufferAsUAV();
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//binds several UAV to the computeshader
static void BindUAV(ID3D11UnorderedAccessView** uav, int NrOfUavs);
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//Clears the backbuffer and default depthstencil
static void ClearBackBuffer(Math::Float4 color);
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static void Begin2DRender();
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static void Begin2DTextRender();
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class Pipeline
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class Deffered_Lightning
//Basic Setup
//static void NewFrame(const Float4& Color, const Matrix& View, const Matrix& Projection);
//Geometry Pass
static void BeginRenderGeometry();
//static void RenderGeometry(const Oyster::Graphics::Render::Model* models,int count);
static void EndRenderGeometry();
//Lightning Pass
//static void InputPointLights(Oyster::Resources::BufferDefinitions::PointLightDescription *p, int NrOfPointlights );
static void RenderLightning();
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