Preliminary Rigidbody

Absolutly not done, but it compiles
This commit is contained in:
Dander7BD 2013-11-18 14:01:23 +01:00
parent d4b4973d3f
commit 7275b52609
4 changed files with 125 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -336,6 +336,19 @@ namespace LinearAlgebra3D
0, 0, 0, 1 );
// O0 = T0 * R0
// O1 = T1 * T0 * R1 * R0
template<typename ScalarType>
::LinearAlgebra::Matrix4x4<ScalarType> & UpdateOrientationMatrix( const ::LinearAlgebra::Vector3<ScalarType> &deltaPosition, const ::LinearAlgebra::Matrix4x4<ScalarType> &deltaRotationMatrix, ::LinearAlgebra::Matrix4x4<ScalarType> &orientationMatrix )
::LinearAlgebra::Vector3<ScalarType> position = deltaPosition + orientationMatrix.v[3].xyz;
orientationMatrix.v[3].xyz = ::LinearAlgebra::Vector3<ScalarType>::null;
orientationMatrix = deltaRotationMatrix * orientationMatrix;
orientationMatrix.v[3].xyz = position;
return orientationMatrix;
/* Creates an orthographic projection matrix designed for DirectX enviroment.
width; of the projection sample volume.
height; of the projection sample volume.

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@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ namespace Oyster { namespace Math3D
Float4x4 & InverseOrientationMatrix( const Float4x4 &orientationMatrix, Float4x4 &targetMem )
{ return ::LinearAlgebra3D::InverseOrientationMatrix( orientationMatrix, targetMem ); }
Float4x4 & UpdateOrientationMatrix( const Float3 &deltaPosition, const Float4x4 &deltaRotationMatrix, Float4x4 &orientationMatrix )
{ return ::LinearAlgebra3D::UpdateOrientationMatrix( deltaPosition, deltaRotationMatrix, orientationMatrix ); }
Float4x4 & ProjectionMatrix_Orthographic( const Float &width, const Float &height, const Float &nearClip, const Float &farClip, Float4x4 &targetMem )
{ return ::LinearAlgebra3D::ProjectionMatrix_Orthographic( width, height, nearClip, farClip, targetMem ); }

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@ -183,6 +183,10 @@ namespace Oyster { namespace Math3D /// Oyster's native math library specialized
/// If orientationMatrix is assumed to be by all definitions a rigid orientation matrix aka rigid body matrix. Then this is a much faster inverse method.
Float4x4 & InverseOrientationMatrix( const Float4x4 &orientationMatrix, Float4x4 &targetMem = Float4x4() );
// O0 = T0 * R0
// O1 = T1 * T0 * R1 * R0
Float4x4 & UpdateOrientationMatrix( const Float3 &deltaPosition, const Float4x4 &deltaRotationMatrix, Float4x4 &orientationMatrix );
* Creates an orthographic projection matrix designed for DirectX enviroment.
* @param width; of the projection sample volume.

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@ -60,8 +60,10 @@ void RigidBody::Update_LeapFrog( Float deltaTime )
deltaRadian = ::std::sqrt( deltaRadian );
rotationAxis /= deltaRadian;
// using rotationAxis, deltaRadian and deltaPos to create a matrix to transform the orientation matrix
this->box.orientation = OrientationMatrix( rotationAxis, deltaRadian, deltaPos ) * this->box.orientation;
// using rotationAxis, deltaRadian and deltaPos to create a matrix to update the orientation matrix
UpdateOrientationMatrix( deltaPos, RotationMatrix(deltaRadian, rotationAxis), this->box.orientation );
/** @todo TODO: ISSUE! how is momentOfInertiaTensor related to the orientation of the RigidBody? */
{ // no rotation, only use deltaPos to translate the RigidBody
@ -85,7 +87,7 @@ void RigidBody::ApplyImpulseForceAt_Local( const Float3 &localForce, const Float
if( localOffset != Float3::null )
this->impulseForceSum += VectorProjection( localForce, localOffset );
this->impulseTorqueSum += Formula::ImpulseTorque( localOffset, localForce );
this->impulseTorqueSum += Formula::ImpulseTorque( localForce, localOffset );
@ -284,138 +286,175 @@ Float3 RigidBody::GetTangentialLinearVelocityAt_World( const Float3 &worldPos )
return this->GetTangentialLinearVelocityAt_Local( (this->GetView() * Float4(worldPos, 1.0f)).xyz ); // should not be any disform thus result.w = 1.0f
Float3 RigidBody::GetImpulseForceAt_Local( const Float3 &pos ) const
{ // by
return Float3::null;
Float3 RigidBody::GetImpulseForceAt_Local( const Float3 &localPos ) const
{ // by Dan Andersson
return this->impulseForceSum + Formula::TangentialImpulseForce( this->impulseForceSum, localPos );
Float3 RigidBody::GetImpulseForceAt_World( const Float3 &pos ) const
{ // by
return Float3::null;
Float3 RigidBody::GetImpulseForceAt_World( const Float3 &worldPos ) const
{ // by Dan Andersson
Float4 localForce = Float4( this->GetImpulseForceAt_Local((this->GetView() * Float4(worldPos, 1.0f)).xyz), 0.0f ); // should not be any disform thus result.w = 1.0f
return (this->box.orientation * localForce).xyz; // should not be any disform thus result.w = 0.0f
Float3 RigidBody::GetLinearMomentumAt_Local( const Float3 &pos ) const
{ // by
return Float3::null;
Float3 RigidBody::GetLinearMomentumAt_Local( const Float3 &localPos ) const
{ // by Dan Andersson
// Reminder! Momentum is a world value.
return Float3::null; // TODO:
Float3 RigidBody::GetLinearMomentumAt_World( const Float3 &pos ) const
{ // by
return Float3::null;
Float3 RigidBody::GetLinearMomentumAt_World( const Float3 &worldPos ) const
{ // by Dan Andersson
// Reminder! Momentum is a world value.
Float4 localMomentum = Float4( this->GetLinearMomentumAt_Local((this->GetView() * Float4(worldPos, 1.0f)).xyz), 0.0f ); // should not be any disform thus result.w = 1.0f
return (this->box.orientation * localMomentum).xyz; // should not be any disform thus result.w = 0.0f
// TODO: angularMomentum is a local value!!
return this->linearMomentum + Formula::TangentialLinearMomentum( this->angularMomentum, worldPos );
Float3 RigidBody::GetImpulseAccelerationAt_Local( const Float3 &pos ) const
{ // by
return Float3::null;
Float3 RigidBody::GetImpulseAccelerationAt_Local( const Float3 &localPos ) const
{ // by Dan Andersson
// Reminder! Acceleration is a world value.
Float4 worldAccel = Float4( this->GetImpulseAccelerationAt_Local((this->box.orientation * Float4(localPos, 1.0f)).xyz), 0.0f ); // should not be any disform thus result.w = 1.0f
return (this->GetView() * worldAccel).xyz; // should not be any disform thus result.w = 0.0f
Float3 RigidBody::GetImpulseAccelerationAt_World( const Float3 &pos ) const
{ // by
return Float3::null;
Float3 RigidBody::GetImpulseAccelerationAt_World( const Float3 &worldPos ) const
{ // by Dan Andersson
// Reminder! Acceleration is a world value.
return Formula::LinearImpulseAcceleration( this->mass, this->impulseForceSum )
+ Formula::TangentialImpulseAcceleration( this->momentOfInertiaTensor.GetInverse(), this->impulseTorqueSum, worldPos );
Float3 RigidBody::GetLinearVelocityAt_Local( const Float3 &pos ) const
{ // by
return Float3::null;
Float3 RigidBody::GetLinearVelocityAt_Local( const Float3 &localPos ) const
{ // by Dan Andersson
// Reminder! Velocity is a world value.
Float4 worldV = Float4( this->GetLinearVelocityAt_Local((this->box.orientation * Float4(localPos, 1.0f)).xyz), 0.0f ); // should not be any disform thus result.w = 1.0f
return (this->GetView() * worldV).xyz; // should not be any disform thus result.w = 0.0f
Float3 RigidBody::GetLinearVelocityAt_World( const Float3 &pos ) const
{ // by
return Float3::null;
Float3 RigidBody::GetLinearVelocityAt_World( const Float3 &worldPos ) const
{ // by Dan Andersson
// Reminder! Velocity is a world value.
return Formula::LinearVelocity( this->mass, this->linearMomentum )
+ Formula::TangentialLinearVelocity( this->momentOfInertiaTensor.GetInverse(), this->angularMomentum, worldPos );
void RigidBody::SetMomentOfInertia( const Float4x4 &i )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Andersson
if( i.GetDeterminant() != 0.0f ) // insanitycheck! momentOfInertiaTensor must be invertable
this->momentOfInertiaTensor = i;
void RigidBody::SetMass_KeepVelocity( const Float &m )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Andersson
if( m != 0.0f ) // insanitycheck! mass must be invertable
Float3 velocity = Formula::LinearVelocity( this->mass, this->linearMomentum );
this->mass = m;
this->linearMomentum = Formula::LinearMomentum( this->mass, velocity );
void RigidBody::SetMass_KeepMomentum( const Float &m )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Anderson
if( m != 0.0f ) // insanitycheck! mass must be invertable
this->mass = m;
void RigidBody::SetOrientation( const Float4x4 &o )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Andersson
this->box.orientation = o;
void RigidBody::SetSize( const Float3 &widthHeight )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Andersson
this->box.boundingOffset = 0.5f * widthHeight;
void RigidBody::SetCenter( const Float3 &p )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Andersson
this-> = p;
void RigidBody::SetImpulsTorque( const Float3 &t )
{ // by
void RigidBody::SetImpulseTorque( const Float3 &t )
{ // by Dan Andersson
this->impulseTorqueSum = t;
void RigidBody::SetAngularMomentum( const Float3 &h )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Andersson
this->angularMomentum = h;
void RigidBody::SetAngularImpulseAcceleration( const Float3 &a )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Andersson
this->impulseTorqueSum = Formula::ImpulseTorque( this->momentOfInertiaTensor, a );
void RigidBody::SetAngularVelocity( const Float3 &w )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Andersson
this->angularMomentum = Formula::AngularMomentum( this->momentOfInertiaTensor, w );
void RigidBody::SetImpulseForce( const Float3 &f )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Andersson
this->impulseForceSum = f;
void RigidBody::SetLinearMomentum( const Float3 &g )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Andersson
this->linearMomentum = g;
void RigidBody::SetLinearImpulseAcceleration( const Float3 &a )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Andersson
this->impulseForceSum = Formula::ImpulseForce( this->mass, a );
void RigidBody::SetLinearVelocity( const Float3 &v )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Andersson
this->linearMomentum = Formula::LinearMomentum( this->mass, v );
void RigidBody::SetImpulseForceAt_Local( const Float3 &localForce, const Float3 &localPos )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Andersson
// Reminder! Impulse force and torque is world values.
Float3 worldForce = ( this->box.orientation * Float4(localForce, 0.0f) ).xyz,
worldPos = ( this->box.orientation * Float4(localPos, 1.0f) ).xyz;
this->SetImpulseForceAt_World( worldForce, worldPos );
void RigidBody::SetImpulseForceAt_World( const Float3 &worldForce, const Float3 &worldPos )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Andersson
// Reminder! Impulse force and torque is world values.
this->impulseForceSum = VectorProjection( worldForce, worldPos );
this->impulseTorqueSum = Formula::ImpulseTorque( worldForce, worldPos );
void RigidBody::SetLinearMomentumAt_Local( const Float3 &g, const Float3 &pos )
{ // by
void RigidBody::SetLinearMomentumAt_Local( const Float3 &localG, const Float3 &localPos )
{ // by Dan Andersson
// Reminder! Linear and angular momentum is world values.
Float3 worldG = ( this->box.orientation * Float4(localG, 0.0f) ).xyz,
worldPos = ( this->box.orientation * Float4(localPos, 1.0f) ).xyz;
this->SetLinearMomentumAt_World( worldG, worldPos );
void RigidBody::SetLinearMomentumAt_World( const Float3 &g, const Float3 &pos )
{ // by
void RigidBody::SetLinearMomentumAt_World( const Float3 &worldG, const Float3 &worldPos )
{ // by Dan Andersson
// Reminder! Linear and angular momentum is world values.
this->linearMomentum = VectorProjection( worldG, worldPos );
this->angularMomentum = Formula::AngularMomentum( worldG, worldPos );
void RigidBody::SetImpulseAccelerationAt_Local( const Float3 &a, const Float3 &pos )
{ // by
{ // by Dan Andersson