#include "Connection.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Oyster::Network; int CloseSocket(int &socket) { if(socket == -1) return 0; if(closesocket( socket ) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return WSAGetLastError(); } socket = -1; return 0; } Connection::Connection() { this->socket = -1; this->stillSending = false; this->closed = true; } Connection::Connection(int socket) { this->socket = socket; this->stillSending = true; this->closed = false; } Connection::~Connection() { CloseSocket( this->socket ); } int Connection::Connect(ConnectionInfo info, bool blocking) { this->addr = info.addr; this->socket = info.socket; this->stillSending = true; this->closed = false; SetBlockingMode(blocking); //connection succesfull! return 0; } int Connection::Connect(unsigned short port , const char serverName[], bool blocking) { if(this->socket == -1 || this->socket == 0) InitiateSocket(); struct hostent *hostEnt; if((hostEnt = gethostbyname(serverName)) == NULL) { return WSAGetLastError(); } struct sockaddr_in server; server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_port = htons(port); server.sin_addr.s_addr = *(unsigned long*) hostEnt->h_addr; if(connect(this->socket, (sockaddr*)&server, sizeof(server)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return WSAGetLastError(); } closed = false; stillSending = true; SetBlockingMode(blocking); //connection succesfull! return 0; } int Connection::InitiateServer(unsigned short port) { int errorCode = 0; if((errorCode = InitiateSocket()) != 0) { return errorCode; } struct sockaddr_in server; server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_port = htons(port); server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if(bind(this->socket, (sockaddr*)&server, sizeof(server)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { errorCode = WSAGetLastError(); CloseSocket(this->socket); return errorCode; } //not our Listen function! its trying to keep our socket open for connections if(listen(this->socket, 5) == SOCKET_ERROR) { errorCode = WSAGetLastError(); CloseSocket(this->socket); return errorCode; } closed = false; stillSending = true; //Server started! return 0; } int Connection::InitiateClient() { return InitiateSocket(); } int Connection::Disconnect() { if(this->closed) return -1; int val = CloseSocket(this->socket); this->socket = -1; this->closed = true; this->stillSending = false; return val; } int Connection::Send(OysterByte &bytes) { if(this->closed) return -1; int nBytes; nBytes = send(this->socket, bytes, bytes.GetSize(), 0); if(nBytes == SOCKET_ERROR) { return WSAGetLastError(); } return 0; } int Connection::Recieve(OysterByte &bytes) { if(this->closed) return -1; int nBytes; bytes.Resize(1000); nBytes = recv(this->socket, bytes, 1000, 0); if(nBytes == SOCKET_ERROR) { bytes.SetSize(0); return WSAGetLastError(); } else { bytes.SetSize(nBytes); } return 0; } //Listen will only return the correct socket or -1 for failure. ConnectionInfo Connection::Listen() { ConnectionInfo val = { 0 }; if(this->closed) return val; SOCKADDR_IN client_info = { 0 }; int addrsize = sizeof(client_info); if((val.socket = (int)accept(this->socket, (struct sockaddr*)&client_info, &addrsize)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { val.socket = WSAGetLastError(); } else { val.addr = inet_ntoa(client_info.sin_addr); } return val; } bool Connection::IsSending() { return stillSending; } bool Connection::IsConnected() { return !closed; } int Connection::SetBlockingMode(bool blocking) { DWORD nonBlocking; if(blocking) { nonBlocking = 0; } else { nonBlocking = 1; } int result = ioctlsocket(this->socket, FIONBIO, &nonBlocking); if(result != 0) { return WSAGetLastError(); } //Success return 0; } std::string Connection::GetIpAddress() { return this->addr; } /////////////////////////////////////// //Private functions /////////////////////////////////////// int Connection::InitiateSocket() { if(this->socket != -1) return 0; this->socket = (int)::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(this->socket == SOCKET_ERROR) { return WSAGetLastError(); } int flag = 1; int result = setsockopt(this->socket, /* socket affected */ IPPROTO_TCP, /* set option at TCP level */ TCP_NODELAY, /* name of option */ (char *) &flag, /* the cast is historical cruft */ sizeof(int)); /* length of option value */ if (result < 0) return -1; return 0; }