///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Created by [Dennis Andersen] [2013] ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef RAW_INPUT_H #define RAW_INPUT_H #include "PreReq.h" #include "Common.h" #include "InputObject.h" #include "Mouse.h" #include "Keyboard.h" namespace Input { class InputManager { public: /** * @return Returns an instance of the default input manager. */ static InputManager* Instance (); /** * @return Returns a new input manager. Should be destroyd with DestroyInputManager function. */ static InputManager* CreateInputManager (); /** * @return Destroys a input manager. */ static void DestroyInputManager (InputManager* inputSystem); /** * Creates a device * @param inputType Which type of device to register * @param targetApplication The target proccess that will proc input. * @see InputDescription * @return Returns a handle to a device that can be rethrown to a specific device. */ virtual InputObject* CreateDevice (const Enum::SAIType inputType, Typedefs::WindowHandle targetApplication = 0) = 0; /** Enables or Disables the Input proccessing. * @param The toggler. */ virtual void ToggleInputSystem (bool enable) = 0; protected: InputManager(); InputManager(const InputManager&) {} const InputManager& operator=(const InputManager&) {return *this;} virtual~InputManager(); virtual void Destroy() = 0; }; } #endif