#include "Octree.h" using namespace Oyster; using namespace Physics; using namespace ::Utility::DynamicMemory; const unsigned int Octree::invalid_ref = ::Utility::Value::numeric_limits::max(); Octree::Octree(unsigned int bufferSize, unsigned char numLayers, Math::Float3 worldSize) { this->worldNode.dataPtr = NULL; this->worldNode.container.maxVertex = worldSize*0.5f; this->worldNode.container.minVertex = -worldSize*0.5f; } Octree::~Octree() { } Octree& Octree::operator=(const Octree& orig) { this->leafData = orig.leafData; this->updateQueue = orig.updateQueue; this->worldNode = orig.worldNode; this->mapReferences = orig.mapReferences; return *this; } void Octree::AddObject(UniquePointer< ICustomBody > customBodyRef) { Data data; //Data* tempPtr = this->worldNode.dataPtr; data.container = customBodyRef->GetBoundingSphere(); data.queueRef = -1; data.next = NULL; data.prev = NULL; data.customBodyRef = customBodyRef; this->mapReferences.insert(std::pair (data.customBodyRef, this->leafData.size())); this->leafData.push_back(data); /*if(tempPtr != NULL) { tempPtr->prev->next = &this->leafData[this->leafData.size() - 1]; this->leafData[this->leafData.size() - 1].prev = tempPtr->prev; tempPtr->prev = &this->leafData[this->leafData.size() - 1]; this->leafData[this->leafData.size() - 1].next = tempPtr; } else { this->worldNode.dataPtr = &this->leafData[this->leafData.size() - 1]; this->worldNode.dataPtr->next = this->worldNode.dataPtr; this->worldNode.dataPtr->prev = this->worldNode.dataPtr; }*/ } void Octree::MoveToUpdateQueue(UniquePointer< ICustomBody > customBodyRef) { /*this->leafData[this->mapReferences[customBodyRef]].queueRef = this->updateQueue.size(); this->updateQueue.push_back(&this->leafData[this->mapReferences[customBodyRef]]);*/ } void Octree::DestroyObject(UniquePointer< ICustomBody > customBodyRef) { std::map::iterator it = this->mapReferences.find(customBodyRef); this->mapReferences.erase(it); this->leafData.erase(this->leafData.begin() + this->leafData[this->mapReferences[customBodyRef]].queueRef); } std::vector& Octree::Sample(ICustomBody* customBodyRef, std::vector& updateList) { auto object = this->mapReferences.find(customBodyRef); if(object == this->mapReferences.end()) { return updateList; } unsigned int tempRef = object->second; for(unsigned int i = 0; ileafData.size(); i++) { if(tempRef != i) if(this->leafData[tempRef].container.Intersects(this->leafData[i].container)) { updateList.push_back(this->leafData[i].customBodyRef); } } return updateList; } std::vector& Octree::Sample(const Oyster::Collision3D::ICollideable& collideable, std::vector& updateList) { for(unsigned int i = 0; ileafData.size(); i++) { if(this->leafData[i].container.Intersects(collideable)) { updateList.push_back(this->leafData[i].customBodyRef); } } return updateList; } void Octree::Visit(ICustomBody* customBodyRef, VistorAction hitAction ) { auto object = this->mapReferences.find(customBodyRef); if(object == this->mapReferences.end()) { return; } unsigned int tempRef = object->second; for(unsigned int i = 0; ileafData.size(); i++) { if(tempRef != i) if(this->leafData[tempRef].container.Intersects(this->leafData[i].container)) { hitAction(*this, tempRef, i); } } } void Octree::Visit(const Oyster::Collision3D::ICollideable& collideable, VistorAction hitAction) { for(unsigned int i = 0; ileafData.size(); i++) { if(this->leafData[i].container.Intersects(collideable)) { //hitAction(*this, tempRef, i); // @todo TODO: Add typedef to handle function calls with ICollideable } } } ICustomBody* Octree::GetCustomBody(const unsigned int tempRef) { return this->leafData[tempRef].customBodyRef; } UniquePointer Octree::Extract( const ICustomBody* objRef ) { // Dan Andersson auto iter = this->mapReferences.find( objRef ); if( iter != this->mapReferences.end() ) { return this->Extract( iter->second ); } else { return NULL; } } UniquePointer Octree::Extract( unsigned int tempRef ) { if( tempRef != Octree::invalid_ref ) { //! @todo TODO: implement stub return NULL; } else { return NULL; } } unsigned int Octree::GetTemporaryReferenceOf( const ICustomBody* objRef ) const { // Dan Andersson auto iter = this->mapReferences.find( objRef ); if( iter != this->mapReferences.end() ) { return iter->second; } else { return Octree::invalid_ref; } } void Octree::SetAsAltered( unsigned int tempRef ) { this->leafData[tempRef].container = this->leafData[tempRef].customBodyRef->GetBoundingSphere(); //! @todo TODO: implement stub } void Octree::EvaluatePosition( unsigned int tempRef ) { //! @todo TODO: implement stub }