#pragma once #include "..\..\Core\Core.h" namespace Oyster { namespace Graphics { namespace Render { namespace Preparations { static class Basic { public: /** @brief Binds the backbuffer as a RenderTargetView with the specified DepthStencil*/ static void BindBackBufferRTV(ID3D11DepthStencilView& depthStencil); /** @brief Binds the backbuffer as a RenderTargetView with or without the default DepthStencil*/ static void BindBackBufferRTV(bool UseDefaultDepthStencil = true); /** @brief Binds the backbuffer as a UnorderedAccessView*/ static void BindBackBufferUAV(); /** @brief Binds the specified RenderTargetViews with or without the default DepthStencil*/ static void BindRTV(ID3D11RenderTargetView* RTVs[], int size, bool UseDepthStencil = true); /** @brief Binds the specified RenderTargetViews with the specified DepthStencil*/ static void BindRTV(ID3D11RenderTargetView* RTVs[], int size,ID3D11DepthStencilView& depthStencil); /** @brief Binds the specified UnorderedAccessViews*/ static void BindUAV(ID3D11UnorderedAccessView* UAVs[], int size); /** @brief Clear the BackBuffer and if true the default DepthStencil*/ static void ClearBackBuffer(Oyster::Math::Float4 Color, bool ClearDefaultDepthStencil = true); /** @brief Clear the specified RenderTargetViews*/ static void ClearRTV(ID3D11RenderTargetView* RTVs[], int size,Oyster::Math::Float4 Color); /** @brief Clear the specified DepthStencil*/ static void ClearDepthStencil(ID3D11DepthStencilView &depthStencil); /** @brief Binds the default ViewPort*/ static void SetViewPort(); }; } } } }