///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Created by Pär Hammarstrand 2013 // Edited by Dan Andersson 2013 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef OYSTER_COLLISION_3D_ICOLLIDEABLE_H #define OYSTER_COLLISION_3D_ICOLLIDEABLE_H #include "Utilities.h" namespace Oyster { namespace Collision3D //! Contains a collection of 3D shapes and intercollission algorithms. { class ICollideable { public: enum Type { Type_undefined, Type_universe, Type_point, Type_ray, Type_sphere, Type_plane, // Type_triangle, Type_box_axis_aligned, Type_box, Type_frustrum, Type_line }; const Type type; ICollideable( Type type = Type_undefined ); virtual ~ICollideable(); virtual ::Utility::DynamicMemory::UniquePointer Clone( ) const = 0; virtual bool Intersects( const ICollideable &target, ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPointOfContact ) const = 0; virtual bool Intersects( const ICollideable &target ) const = 0; virtual bool Contains( const ICollideable &target ) const = 0; }; } } #endif