#include "GeneralLoader.h" #include "../Definitions/GraphicalDefinition.h" #include "../Model/ModelInfo.h" #include "../Core/Core.h" #include #include #define DANFILEVERSIONMAJOR 1 #define DANFILEVERSIONMINOR 1 #define FILEHEADERSIZE 8 #define VERTEXHEADERSIZE 4 #define VERTEXSIZE 88 /// enum HeaderType { VERTEXHEADER = 0, ///< INDEXHEADER = 1, ///< MATERIALHEADER = 2, ///< SKELETONHEADER = 3, ///< ANIMATIONHEADER = 4 ///< }; /// struct FileHeader { unsigned int versionMajor; ///< unsigned int versionMinor; ///< /// FileHeader(char* data) { char* memPos = data; // memcpy(&versionMajor, memPos, sizeof(unsigned int)); memPos += 4; memcpy(&versionMinor, memPos, sizeof(unsigned int)); } }; /// struct VertexHeader { unsigned int numVertices; /// VertexHeader(char* data) { memcpy(&numVertices, data, sizeof(unsigned int)); } }; /// typedef Oyster::Graphics::Definitions::FinalVertex Vertex; /// struct IndexHeader { unsigned int numIndices; /// IndexHeader(char* data) { memcpy(&numIndices, data, sizeof(unsigned int)); } }; /// struct MaterialHeader { unsigned int diffuseMapPathLength; char* diffuseMapPath; unsigned int normalMapPathLength; char* normalMapPath; /* /// MaterialHeader(char* data) { char* memPos = data; // memcpy(&diffuseMapPathLength, memPos, sizeof(unsigned int)); memPos += 4; diffuseMapPath = new char[diffuseMapPathLength]; memcpy(diffuseMapPath, memPos, diffuseMapPathLength); memPos += diffuseMapPathLength; memcpy(&normalMapPathLength, memPos, sizeof(unsigned int)); memPos += 4; normalMapPath = new char[normalMapPathLength]; memcpy(normalMapPath, memPos, normalMapPathLength); memPos += normalMapPathLength; } */ }; /// struct SkeletonHeader { unsigned int numBones; /// SkeletonHeader(char* data) { memcpy(&numBones, data, sizeof(unsigned int)); } }; /// struct AnimationHeader { unsigned int numAnims; AnimationHeader(char* data) { memcpy(&numAnims, data, sizeof(unsigned int)); } }; /// void Oyster::Graphics::Loading::UnloadDAN(void* data) { Model::ModelInfo* info = (Model::ModelInfo*) data; SAFE_DELETE(info->Vertices); if(info->Indexed) { SAFE_DELETE(info->Indecies); } if(info->Animated) { //clean animation delete[] info->bones; for(int a = 0; a < info->AnimationCount; ++a) { for(int x = 0; x < info->Animations[a].Bones; ++x) { delete[] info->Animations[a].Keyframes[x]; } delete[] info->Animations[a].Frames; delete[] info->Animations[a].Keyframes; } delete[] info->Animations; } for(int i =0;iMaterial.size();++i) { Core::loader.ReleaseResource(info->Material[i]); } delete info; } static wchar_t* charToWChar(const char* text) { // Convert to a wchar_t* size_t origsize = strlen(text) + 1; size_t convertedChars = 0; wchar_t* wcstring = new wchar_t[origsize]; mbstowcs_s(&convertedChars, wcstring, origsize, text, _TRUNCATE); return wcstring; } static void ReadData(void* Destination, std::ifstream& file, int size) { char* buffer = new char[size]; file.read(buffer,size); memcpy(Destination,buffer,size); delete[] buffer; } /// void* Oyster::Graphics::Loading::LoadDAN(const wchar_t filename[]) { // Oyster::Graphics::Model::ModelInfo* modelInfo = new Oyster::Graphics::Model::ModelInfo(); modelInfo->Indexed = false; modelInfo->Animated = false; // Open file in binary mode std::ifstream danFile; danFile.open(filename, std::ios::binary); if (!danFile.is_open()) return NULL; // Read file header char* buffer = new char[sizeof(FileHeader)]; danFile.read(buffer, sizeof(FileHeader)); FileHeader fileHeader(buffer); delete[] buffer; // ( note: may crash here.) // If problem with compatability then close file and return from method if (fileHeader.versionMajor != DANFILEVERSIONMAJOR) { danFile.close(); return NULL; } // Read the .dan-file while (!danFile.eof()) { // read header type unsigned int headerType; ReadData(&headerType,danFile,4); // handle header type switch ((HeaderType)headerType) { // vertex header case HeaderType::VERTEXHEADER: { // Fetch vertex header, number of vertices buffer = new char[4]; danFile.read(buffer, 4); VertexHeader vertexHeader(buffer); delete[] buffer; // ( note: may crash here.) // Fetch all vertices unsigned int bufferSize = VERTEXSIZE * vertexHeader.numVertices; buffer = new char[bufferSize]; danFile.read(buffer, bufferSize); // Do the deed Oyster::Graphics::Core::Buffer* vertexBuffer = new Oyster::Graphics::Core::Buffer(); Oyster::Graphics::Core::Buffer::BUFFER_INIT_DESC bufferInitDesc; bufferInitDesc.ElementSize = sizeof(Vertex); bufferInitDesc.InitData = buffer; bufferInitDesc.NumElements = vertexHeader.numVertices; bufferInitDesc.Type = Oyster::Graphics::Core::Buffer::BUFFER_TYPE::VERTEX_BUFFER; bufferInitDesc.Usage = Oyster::Graphics::Core::Buffer::BUFFER_USAGE::BUFFER_DEFAULT; vertexBuffer->Init(bufferInitDesc); modelInfo->VertexCount = vertexHeader.numVertices; modelInfo->Vertices = vertexBuffer; delete[] buffer; // ( note: may crash here.) break; } case HeaderType::INDEXHEADER: { // Fetch vertex header, number of vertices buffer = new char[4]; danFile.read(buffer, 4); IndexHeader indexHeader(buffer); delete[] buffer; // ( note: may crash here.) // Fetch all indices unsigned int* indices = new unsigned int[indexHeader.numIndices]; unsigned int bufferSize = sizeof(unsigned int) * indexHeader.numIndices; ReadData(indices,danFile,bufferSize); // Do the deed Oyster::Graphics::Core::Buffer* indexBuffer = new Oyster::Graphics::Core::Buffer(); Oyster::Graphics::Core::Buffer::BUFFER_INIT_DESC bufferInitDesc; bufferInitDesc.ElementSize = sizeof(unsigned int); bufferInitDesc.InitData = indices; bufferInitDesc.NumElements = indexHeader.numIndices; bufferInitDesc.Type = Oyster::Graphics::Core::Buffer::BUFFER_TYPE::INDEX_BUFFER; bufferInitDesc.Usage = Oyster::Graphics::Core::Buffer::BUFFER_USAGE::BUFFER_DEFAULT; indexBuffer->Init(bufferInitDesc); modelInfo->IndexCount = indexHeader.numIndices; modelInfo->Indecies = indexBuffer; modelInfo->Indexed = true; delete[] indices; // ( note: may crash here.) break; } // material header case HeaderType::MATERIALHEADER: { // Fetch material header, 2 texture path strings MaterialHeader materialHeader; //read difuse map name length ReadData(&materialHeader.diffuseMapPathLength,danFile,4); //read diffuse map name materialHeader.diffuseMapPath = new char[materialHeader.diffuseMapPathLength+1]; ReadData(materialHeader.diffuseMapPath,danFile,materialHeader.diffuseMapPathLength); //null terminate materialHeader.diffuseMapPath[materialHeader.diffuseMapPathLength] = 0; //read normal map name length ReadData(&materialHeader.normalMapPathLength,danFile,4); //read difuse map name materialHeader.normalMapPath = new char[materialHeader.normalMapPathLength + 1]; ReadData(materialHeader.normalMapPath,danFile,materialHeader.normalMapPathLength); materialHeader.normalMapPath[materialHeader.normalMapPathLength] = 0; //load diffuse map wchar_t* path = charToWChar(materialHeader.diffuseMapPath); ID3D11ShaderResourceView* diffuseMap = (ID3D11ShaderResourceView*)Core::loader.LoadResource((Core::texturePath + path).c_str(), Oyster::Graphics::Loading::LoadTexture, Oyster::Graphics::Loading::UnloadTexture); delete[] path; //load normal map path = charToWChar(materialHeader.normalMapPath); ID3D11ShaderResourceView* normalMap = (ID3D11ShaderResourceView*)Core::loader.LoadResource((Core::texturePath + path).c_str(), Oyster::Graphics::Loading::LoadTexture, Oyster::Graphics::Loading::UnloadTexture); delete[] path; //add to model modelInfo->Material.push_back(diffuseMap); modelInfo->Material.push_back(normalMap); //clean up delete[] materialHeader.diffuseMapPath; delete[] materialHeader.normalMapPath; break; } // skeleton header case HeaderType::SKELETONHEADER: { // Fetch Skeleton header, number of Bones buffer = new char[4]; danFile.read(buffer, 4); SkeletonHeader skeletonHeader(buffer); delete[] buffer; // ( note: may crash here.) //array for bone data Oyster::Graphics::Model::Bone* bones = new Oyster::Graphics::Model::Bone[skeletonHeader.numBones]; //read bones ReadData(bones,danFile,skeletonHeader.numBones * sizeof(Oyster::Graphics::Model::Bone)); //read skeleton Hiarchy modelInfo->BoneCount = skeletonHeader.numBones; modelInfo->bones = bones; break; } // animation header case HeaderType::ANIMATIONHEADER: { //get num anims buffer = new char[4]; danFile.read(buffer, 4); AnimationHeader animationHeader(buffer); delete[] buffer; Oyster::Graphics::Model::Animation* anims = new Oyster::Graphics::Model::Animation[animationHeader.numAnims]; for(int a = 0; a < animationHeader.numAnims; ++a) { //read name of animation int nameLength; ReadData(&nameLength,danFile,4); char* name = new char[nameLength + 1]; ReadData(name,danFile,nameLength); name[nameLength] = 0; wchar_t* wName = charToWChar(name); anims[a].name = std::wstring(wName); delete[] wName; delete name; //read nr of bones in animation ReadData(&anims[a].Bones,danFile,4); //read duration ReadData(&anims[a].duration,danFile,8); //create Frame array and Bone part of KeyFrameArray; anims[a].Frames = new int[anims[a].Bones]; anims[a].Keyframes = new Oyster::Graphics::Model::Frame*[anims[a].Bones]; //loop per bone and gather data for(int b = 0; b < anims[a].Bones; ++b) { //read bone index int boneIndex; ReadData(&boneIndex,danFile,4); //read nr of frames per bone ReadData(&anims[a].Frames[b],danFile,4); //create frame matrix anims[a].Keyframes[b] = new Oyster::Graphics::Model::Frame[anims[a].Frames[b]]; for(int f = 0; f < anims[a].Frames[b]; ++f) { //write index of bone anims[a].Keyframes[b][f].bone.Parent = boneIndex; //read bone transform ReadData(&anims[a].Keyframes[b][f].bone.Transform,danFile,sizeof(Oyster::Math::Matrix)); ReadData(&anims[a].Keyframes[b][f].time,danFile,sizeof(double)); } } } modelInfo->AnimationCount = animationHeader.numAnims; modelInfo->Animations = anims; modelInfo->Animated = true; break; } } } // close file danFile.close(); // Set modelinfo as output data return modelInfo; }