#include "SimpleRigidBody.h" #include "PhysicsAPI_Impl.h" using namespace ::Oyster::Physics; using namespace ::Oyster::Math3D; using namespace ::Oyster::Collision3D; using namespace ::Utility::DynamicMemory; using namespace ::Utility::Value; SimpleRigidBody::SimpleRigidBody() : previous(), current(), gravityNormal(0.0f), subscribeCollision(true), ignoreGravity(false) {} SimpleRigidBody::~SimpleRigidBody() {} UniquePointer SimpleRigidBody::Clone() const { return new SimpleRigidBody( *this ); } bool SimpleRigidBody::IsSubscribingCollisions() const { // Assumption return this->subscribeCollision; } bool SimpleRigidBody::IsAffectedByGravity() const { return !this->ignoreGravity; } bool SimpleRigidBody::Intersects( const ICustomBody &object, Float timeStepLength, Float &deltaWhen, Float3 &worldPointOfContact ) const { if( object.Intersects(this->current.box) ) { //! @todo TODO: better implementation needed deltaWhen = timeStepLength; worldPointOfContact = Average( this->current.box.center, object.GetCenter() ); return true; } else { return false; } } bool SimpleRigidBody::Intersects( const ICollideable &shape ) const { return this->current.box.Intersects( shape ); } Sphere & SimpleRigidBody::GetBoundingSphere( Sphere &targetMem ) const { return targetMem = Sphere( this->current.box.center, this->current.box.boundingOffset.GetMagnitude() ); } Float3 & SimpleRigidBody::GetNormalAt( const Float3 &worldPos, Float3 &targetMem ) const { //! @todo TODO: better implementation needed return targetMem = (worldPos - this->current.box.center).GetNormalized(); } Float3 & SimpleRigidBody::GetGravityNormal( Float3 &targetMem ) const { return targetMem = this->gravityNormal; } Float3 & SimpleRigidBody::GetCenter( Float3 &targetMem ) const { return targetMem = this->current.box.center; } Float4x4 & SimpleRigidBody::GetRotation( Float4x4 &targetMem ) const { return targetMem = this->current.box.rotation; } Float4x4 & SimpleRigidBody::GetOrientation( Float4x4 &targetMem ) const { return targetMem = this->current.GetOrientation(); } Float4x4 & SimpleRigidBody::GetView( Float4x4 &targetMem ) const { return targetMem = this->current.GetView(); } UpdateState SimpleRigidBody::Update( Float timeStepLength ) { this->previous = this->current; // memorizing the old state this->current.Update_LeapFrog( timeStepLength ); // compare previous and new state and return result return this->current == this->previous ? resting : altered; } void SimpleRigidBody::SetGravity( bool ignore) { this->ignoreGravity = ignore; this->gravityNormal = Float3::null; } void SimpleRigidBody::SetGravityNormal( const Float3 &normalizedVector ) { this->gravityNormal = normalizedVector; } void SimpleRigidBody::SetSubscription( bool subscribeCollision ) { this->subscribeCollision = subscribeCollision; } void SimpleRigidBody::SetMomentOfInertiaTensor_KeepVelocity( const Float4x4 &localI ) { this->current.SetMomentOfInertia_KeepVelocity( localI ); } void SimpleRigidBody::SetMomentOfInertiaTensor_KeepMomentum( const Float4x4 &localI ) { this->current.SetMomentOfInertia_KeepMomentum( localI ); } void SimpleRigidBody::SetMass_KeepVelocity( Float m ) { this->current.SetMass_KeepVelocity( m ); } void SimpleRigidBody::SetMass_KeepMomentum( Float m ) { this->current.SetMass_KeepMomentum( m ); } void SimpleRigidBody::SetCenter( const Float3 &worldPos ) { this->current.SetCenter( worldPos ); } void SimpleRigidBody::SetRotation( const Float4x4 &rotation ) { this->current.SetRotation( rotation ); } void SimpleRigidBody::SetOrientation( const Float4x4 &orientation ) { this->current.SetOrientation( orientation ); } void SimpleRigidBody::SetSize( const Float3 &size ) { this->current.SetSize( size ); }