#ifndef THREAD_SAFE_QUEUE_H #define THREAD_SAFE_QUEUE_H //////////////////////////////////////////// // Thread safe queue implemented // with single linked list and template. // uses mutex to lock the queue // otherwise its a standard queue // Created by Sam Svensson 2013 ///////////////////////////////////////////// #include "IQueue.h" #include "Thread/OysterMutex.h" namespace Oyster { namespace Queue { template class ThreadSafeQueue : public IQueue { public: ThreadSafeQueue(); virtual ~ThreadSafeQueue(); virtual void Push( Type item ); virtual Type Pop(); virtual Type Front(); virtual Type Back(); virtual int Size(); virtual bool IsEmpty(); virtual void Swap( IQueue &queue ); private: class Node { public: Type item; Node *next; Node(Type item){ this->item = item; this->next = NULL; }; ~Node() {}; }; Node *front; Node *back; int nrOfNodes; std::mutex stdMutex; }; //---------------------------------------------- //implemented template functions //---------------------------------------------- template < typename Type > ThreadSafeQueue::ThreadSafeQueue() { this->front = NULL; this->back = NULL; this->nrOfNodes = 0; } template < typename Type > ThreadSafeQueue::~ThreadSafeQueue() { if(!nrOfNodes) return; stdMutex.lock(); if(this->front != NULL) { Node *destroyer; Node *walker = this->front; for(int i = 0; i < this->nrOfNodes; i++) { destroyer = walker; walker = walker->next; delete destroyer; } this->front = NULL; this->back = NULL; } stdMutex.unlock(); } template < typename Type > void ThreadSafeQueue::Push(Type item) { stdMutex.lock(); Node *e = new Node(item); if(this->front != NULL) { this->back->next = e; this->back = e; } else { this->front = e; this->back = e; } this->nrOfNodes++; stdMutex.unlock(); } template < typename Type > Type ThreadSafeQueue::Pop() { stdMutex.lock(); Type item = this->front->item; Node *destroyer = this->front; this->front = front->next; delete destroyer; this->nrOfNodes--; if(nrOfNodes == 0) { this->front = NULL; this->back = NULL; } stdMutex.unlock(); return item; } template < typename Type > Type ThreadSafeQueue::Front() { stdMutex.lock(); Type temp = this->front->item; stdMutex.unlock(); return temp; } template < typename Type > Type ThreadSafeQueue::Back() { stdMutex.lock(); Type temp = this->back->item; stdMutex.unlock(); return temp; } template < typename Type > int ThreadSafeQueue::Size() { stdMutex.lock(); int size = this->nrOfNodes; stdMutex.unlock(); return size; } template < typename Type > bool ThreadSafeQueue::IsEmpty() { stdMutex.lock(); if(nrOfNodes == 0 || this->front == NULL) { stdMutex.unlock(); return true; } else { stdMutex.unlock(); } return false; } template < typename Type > void ThreadSafeQueue::Swap(IQueue &queue ) { stdMutex.lock(); int prevNrOfNodes = this->nrOfNodes; int size = queue.Size(); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { this->Push(queue.Pop()); } for(int i = 0; i < prevNrOfNodes; i++) { queue.Push(this->Pop()); } stdMutex.unlock(); } } } #endif