///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Created by [Dennis Andersen] [2013] ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "GameSession.h" #include "GameClient.h" #include "..\GameServer.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace Utility::DynamicMemory; using namespace Oyster; using namespace Oyster::Network; using namespace Oyster::Thread; using namespace GameLogic; namespace DanBias { GameSession::GameSession() { this->owner = 0; this->box = 0; this->isCreated = false; this->isRunning = false; } GameSession::~GameSession() { delete this->box; this->box = 0; this->owner = 0; } bool GameSession::Create(GameDescription& desc) { if(desc.clients.Size() == 0) return false; if(!desc.owner) return false; if(!desc.mapName.size()) return false; if(this->isCreated) return false; this->clients.Resize(desc.clients.Size()); this->box = new PostBox(); this->owner = desc.owner; Oyster::Callback::OysterCallback c; c.value.callbackPostBox = this->box; c.callbackType = Oyster::Callback::CallbackType_PostBox; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < desc.clients.Size(); i++) { this->clients[i] = new GameClient(desc.clients[i], gameInstance.CreatePlayer(), c); } if(this->worker.Create(this, true, true) != OYSTER_THREAD_ERROR_SUCCESS) return false; this->isCreated = true; return true; } void GameSession::Run() { if(this->isRunning) return; if(this->clients.Size() > 0) { this->worker.SetPriority(OYSTER_THREAD_PRIORITY_2); this->isRunning = true; } } bool GameSession::Join(Utility::DynamicMemory::SmartPointer client) { if(!this->isCreated) return false; Oyster::Callback::OysterCallback c; c.value.callbackPostBox = this->box; c.callbackType = Oyster::Callback::CallbackType_PostBox; SmartPointer obj = new GameClient(client, this->gameInstance.CreatePlayer(), c); AddClient(obj); return true; } void GameSession::CloseSession(bool dissconnectClients) { if(dissconnectClients) { for (int i = 0; i < this->clients.Size(); i++) { this->clients[i]->GetClient()->Disconnect(); } } else { this->SendToOwner(0); //Send all clients to the current owner } this->Clean(); } void GameSession::AddClient(SmartPointer obj) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < clients.Size(); i++) { if(!clients[i]) { clients[i] = obj; return; } } clients.Push(obj); } void GameSession::RemoveClient(DanBias::GameClient* obj) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < clients.Size(); i++) { if(clients[i] && clients[i]->GetID() == obj->GetID()) { clients[i] = 0; return; } } } void GameSession::SendToOwner(DanBias::GameClient* obj) { DanBias::NetworkSession *s = GameServer::MainLobbyInstance(); if(this->owner) s = this->owner; if(obj) { s->Attach(obj->ReleaseClient()); RemoveClient(obj); } else { for (int i = 0; i < this->clients.Size(); i++) { if(this->clients[i]) { s->Attach(this->clients[i]->ReleaseClient()); RemoveClient(this->clients[i]); } } } } void GameSession::Clean() { this->worker.Terminate(); this->clients.Clear(); delete this->box; this->box = 0; this->gameInstance; this->owner = 0; this->isCreated = false; this->isRunning = false; } }//End namespace DanBias