#include "GameState.h" #include "DllInterfaces/GFXAPI.h" #include #include "NetworkClient.h" #include "Camera_FPSV2.h" #include #include "C_Light.h" #include "C_obj/C_Player.h" #include "C_obj/C_DynamicObj.h" #include "C_obj/C_StaticObj.h" #include "Utilities.h" using namespace ::DanBias::Client; using namespace ::Oyster; using namespace ::Oyster::Network; using namespace ::Oyster::Math3D; using namespace ::GameLogic; using namespace ::Utility::DynamicMemory; using namespace ::Utility::String; using namespace ::Utility::Value; struct GameState::MyData { MyData(){} GameClientState::ClientState nextState; NetworkClient *nwClient; InputClass *input; ::std::map> *staticObjects; ::std::map> *dynamicObjects; ::std::map> *lights; bool key_forward; bool key_backward; bool key_strafeRight; bool key_strafeLeft; bool key_Shoot; bool key_Jump; // DEGUG KEYS bool key_Reload_Shaders; bool key_Wireframe_Toggle; bool renderWhireframe; // !DEGUG KEYS C_Player player; Camera_FPSV2 camera; int myId; } privData; inline Quaternion ArrayToQuaternion( const float source[4] ) { return Quaternion( Float3(source[0], source[1], source[2]), source[3] ); } GameState::GameState() { this->privData = nullptr; } GameState::~GameState() { if( this->privData ) this->Release(); } bool GameState::Init( SharedStateContent &shared ) { // we may assume that shared.network is properly connected // and there is content in shared.dynamicObjects and shared.staticObjects this->privData = new MyData(); this->privData->key_forward = false; this->privData->key_backward = false; this->privData->key_strafeRight = false; this->privData->key_strafeLeft = false; this->privData->nextState = GameClientState::ClientState_Same; this->privData->nwClient = shared.network; this->privData->input = shared.input; this->privData->staticObjects = &shared.staticObjects; this->privData->dynamicObjects = &shared.dynamicObjects; this->privData->lights = &shared.lights; Graphics::API::Option gfxOp = Graphics::API::GetOption(); Float aspectRatio = gfxOp.Resolution.x / gfxOp.Resolution.y; this->privData->camera.SetPerspectiveProjection( Utility::Value::Radian(90.0f), aspectRatio, 0.1f, 1000.0f ); Graphics::API::SetProjection( this->privData->camera.GetProjectionMatrix() ); //tell server ready this->privData->nwClient->Send( Protocol_General_Status(Protocol_General_Status::States_ready) ); // DEGUG KEYS this->privData->key_Reload_Shaders = false; this->privData->key_Wireframe_Toggle = false; this->privData->renderWhireframe = false; // !DEGUG KEYS auto light = this->privData->lights->begin(); for( ; light != this->privData->lights->end(); ++light ) { light->second->Render(); } return true; } void GameState::InitiatePlayer( int id, const std::string &modelName, const float position[3], const float rotation[4], const float scale[3], bool isMyPlayer ) { ModelInitData modelData; modelData.visible = true; modelData.position = position; modelData.rotation = ArrayToQuaternion( rotation ); modelData.scale = scale; StringToWstring( modelName, modelData.modelPath ); modelData.id = id; // RB DEBUG RBInitData RBData; RBData.position = position; RBData.rotation = ArrayToQuaternion( rotation ); RBData.scale = scale; // !RB DEBUG if( isMyPlayer ) { if( this->privData->player.Init(modelData) ) { // RB DEBUG this->privData->player.InitRB( RBData ); // !RB DEBUG this->privData->myId = id; this->privData->camera.SetPosition( this->privData->player.getPos() ); Float3 offset = Float3( 0.0f ); offset.y = this->privData->player.getScale().y * 0.9f; this->privData->camera.SetHeadOffset( offset ); this->privData->camera.UpdateOrientation(); } } else { C_DynamicObj *p = new C_DynamicObj(); if( p->Init(modelData) ) { // RB DEBUG this->privData->player.InitRB( RBData ); // !RB DEBUG (*this->privData->dynamicObjects)[id] = p; } } } GameClientState::ClientState GameState::Update( float deltaTime ) { this->ReadKeyInput(); return this->privData->nextState; } bool GameState::Render() { Oyster::Graphics::API::SetView( this->privData->camera.GetViewMatrix() ); Oyster::Graphics::API::NewFrame(); // for debugging to be replaced with render weapon this->privData->player.Render(); auto staticObject = this->privData->staticObjects->begin(); for( ; staticObject != this->privData->staticObjects->end(); ++staticObject ) { staticObject->second->Render(); } auto dynamicObject = this->privData->dynamicObjects->begin(); for( ; dynamicObject != this->privData->dynamicObjects->end(); ++dynamicObject ) { if( dynamicObject->second ) dynamicObject->second->Render(); } /*auto light = this->privData->lights->begin(); for( ; light != this->privData->lights->end(); ++light ) { light->second->Render(); }*/ // RB DEBUG render wire frame //if(this->privData->renderWhireframe) //{ // Oyster::Graphics::API::StartRenderWireFrame(); // // Oyster::Math3D::Float4x4 translation = Oyster::Math3D::TranslationMatrix(Float3( 0,132, 20)); // Oyster::Math3D::Float4x4 scale = Oyster::Math3D::ScalingMatrix(Float3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)); // Oyster::Math3D::Float4x4 world = translation * scale; // Oyster::Graphics::API::RenderDebugCube( world ); // Oyster::Graphics::API::RenderDebugCube(this->privData->player.getRBWorld()); // // staticObject = this->privData->staticObjects->begin(); // for( ; staticObject != this->privData->staticObjects->end(); ++staticObject ) // { // if( staticObject->second->getBRtype() == RB_Type_Cube) // { // Oyster::Graphics::API::RenderDebugCube( staticObject->second->getRBWorld()); // } // if( staticObject->second->getBRtype() == RB_Type_Sphere) // { // Oyster::Graphics::API::RenderDebugSphere( staticObject->second->getRBWorld()); // } // } // // dynamicObject = this->privData->dynamicObjects->begin(); // for( ; dynamicObject != this->privData->dynamicObjects->end(); ++dynamicObject ) // { // if( dynamicObject->second ) // { // if( dynamicObject->second->getBRtype() == RB_Type_Cube) // { // Oyster::Graphics::API::RenderDebugCube( dynamicObject->second->getRBWorld()); // } // if( dynamicObject->second->getBRtype() == RB_Type_Sphere) // { // Oyster::Graphics::API::RenderDebugSphere( dynamicObject->second->getRBWorld()); // } // } // } //} // !RB DEBUG Oyster::Graphics::API::EndFrame(); return true; } bool GameState::Release() { if( privData ) { auto staticObject = this->privData->staticObjects->begin(); for( ; staticObject != this->privData->staticObjects->end(); ++staticObject ) { staticObject->second = nullptr; } auto dynamicObject = this->privData->dynamicObjects->begin(); for( ; dynamicObject != this->privData->dynamicObjects->end(); ++dynamicObject ) { dynamicObject->second = nullptr; } auto light = this->privData->lights->begin(); for( ; light != this->privData->lights->end(); ++light ) { light->second->Render(); } this->privData->staticObjects->clear(); this->privData->dynamicObjects->clear(); this->privData->lights->clear(); privData = NULL; } return true; } void GameState::ChangeState( ClientState next ) { this->privData->nextState = next; } void GameState::ReadKeyInput() { if( this->privData->input->IsKeyPressed(DIK_W) ) { //if(!this->privData->key_forward) { this->privData->nwClient->Send( Protocol_PlayerMovementForward() ); this->privData->key_forward = true; } } else this->privData->key_forward = false; if( this->privData->input->IsKeyPressed(DIK_S) ) { //if( !this->privData->key_backward ) { this->privData->nwClient->Send( Protocol_PlayerMovementBackward() ); this->privData->key_backward = true; } } else this->privData->key_backward = false; if( this->privData->input->IsKeyPressed(DIK_A) ) { //if( !this->privData->key_strafeLeft ) { this->privData->nwClient->Send( Protocol_PlayerMovementLeft() ); this->privData->key_strafeLeft = true; } } else this->privData->key_strafeLeft = false; if( this->privData->input->IsKeyPressed(DIK_D) ) { //if( !this->privData->key_strafeRight ) { this->privData->nwClient->Send( Protocol_PlayerMovementRight() ); this->privData->key_strafeRight = true; } } else this->privData->key_strafeRight = false; //send delta mouse movement { static const float mouseSensitivity = Radian( 1.0f ); this->privData->camera.PitchDown( this->privData->input->GetPitch() * mouseSensitivity ); this->privData->nwClient->Send( Protocol_PlayerLeftTurn(this->privData->input->GetYaw() * mouseSensitivity) ); } // shoot if( this->privData->input->IsKeyPressed(DIK_Z) ) { if( !this->privData->key_Shoot ) { Protocol_PlayerShot playerShot; playerShot.primaryPressed = true; playerShot.secondaryPressed = false; playerShot.utilityPressed = false; this->privData->nwClient->Send( playerShot ); this->privData->key_Shoot = true; } } else this->privData->key_Shoot = false; if( this->privData->input->IsKeyPressed(DIK_X) ) { if( !this->privData->key_Shoot ) { Protocol_PlayerShot playerShot; playerShot.primaryPressed = false; playerShot.secondaryPressed = true; playerShot.utilityPressed = false; this->privData->nwClient->Send( playerShot ); this->privData->key_Shoot = true; } } else this->privData->key_Shoot = false; if( this->privData->input->IsKeyPressed(DIK_C) ) { if( !this->privData->key_Shoot ) { Protocol_PlayerShot playerShot; playerShot.primaryPressed = false; playerShot.secondaryPressed = false; playerShot.utilityPressed = true; this->privData->nwClient->Send( playerShot ); this->privData->key_Shoot = true; } } else this->privData->key_Shoot = false; // jump if( this->privData->input->IsKeyPressed(DIK_SPACE) ) { if(!this->privData->key_Jump) { this->privData->nwClient->Send( Protocol_PlayerJump() ); this->privData->key_Jump = true; } } else this->privData->key_Jump = false; // DEGUG KEYS // Reload shaders if( this->privData->input->IsKeyPressed(DIK_R) ) { if( !this->privData->key_Reload_Shaders ) { #ifdef _DEBUG Graphics::API::ReloadShaders(); #endif this->privData->key_Reload_Shaders = true; } } else this->privData->key_Reload_Shaders = false; // toggle wire frame render if( this->privData->input->IsKeyPressed(DIK_T) ) { if( !this->privData->key_Wireframe_Toggle ) { this->privData->renderWhireframe = !this->privData->renderWhireframe; this->privData->key_Wireframe_Toggle = true; } } else this->privData->key_Wireframe_Toggle = false; // !DEGUG KEYS // TODO: implement sub-menu } const GameClientState::NetEvent & GameState::DataRecieved( const GameClientState::NetEvent &message ) { if( message.args.type == NetworkClient::ClientEventArgs::EventType_ProtocolFailedToSend ) { // TODO: Reconnect const char *breakpoint = "temp trap"; this->privData->nwClient->Disconnect(); this->ChangeState( GameClientState::ClientState_Main ); } // fetching the id data. short ID = message.args.data.protocol[0].value.netShort; if( ProtocolIsGameplay(ID) ) { CustomNetProtocol data = message.args.data.protocol; switch(ID) { case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectPickup: break; /** @todo TODO: implement */ case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectDamage: break; /** @todo TODO: implement */ case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectHealthStatus: break; /** @todo TODO: implement */ case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectPosition: { Protocol_ObjectPosition decoded(data); // if is this player. Remember to change camera if( this->privData->myId == decoded.object_ID ) this->privData->camera.SetPosition( decoded.position ); (*this->privData->dynamicObjects)[decoded.object_ID]->setPos( decoded.position ); // RB DEBUG (*this->privData->dynamicObjects)[decoded.object_ID]->setRBPos ( decoded.position ); // !RB DEBUG } return GameClientState::event_processed; case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectScale: { Protocol_ObjectScale decoded(data); (*this->privData->dynamicObjects)[decoded.object_ID]->setScale( decoded.scale ); // RB DEBUG (*this->privData->dynamicObjects)[decoded.object_ID]->setRBScale ( decoded.scale ); // !RB DEBUG } return GameClientState::event_processed; case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectRotation: { Protocol_ObjectRotation decoded(data); Quaternion rotation = Quaternion( Float3(decoded.rotationQ), decoded.rotationQ[3] ); // if is this player. Remember to change camera if( this->privData->myId == decoded.object_ID ) this->privData->camera.SetRotation( rotation ); (*this->privData->dynamicObjects)[decoded.object_ID]->setRot( rotation ); // RB DEBUG (*this->privData->dynamicObjects)[decoded.object_ID]->setRBRot ( rotation ); // !RB DEBUG } return GameClientState::event_processed; case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectPositionRotation: { Protocol_ObjectPositionRotation decoded(data); Float3 position = decoded.position; Quaternion rotation = Quaternion( Float3(decoded.rotationQ), decoded.rotationQ[3] ); // if is this player. Remember to change camera if( this->privData->myId == decoded.object_ID ) { this->privData->camera.SetPosition( position ); this->privData->camera.SetRotation( rotation ); this->privData->player.setPos( position ); this->privData->player.setRot( rotation ); } C_DynamicObj *object = (*this->privData->dynamicObjects)[decoded.object_ID]; if( object ) { object->setPos( position ); object->setRot( rotation ); // RB DEBUG object->setRBPos ( position ); object->setRBRot ( rotation ); // !RB DEBUG } } return GameClientState::event_processed; case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectEnabled: break; /** @todo TODO: implement */ case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectDisabled: { Protocol_ObjectDisable decoded(data); auto object = this->privData->dynamicObjects->find( decoded.objectID ); if( object != this->privData->dynamicObjects->end() ) { object->second = nullptr; this->privData->dynamicObjects->erase( object ); } } return GameClientState::event_processed; case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectCreate: { Protocol_ObjectCreate decoded(data); C_DynamicObj* object = new C_DynamicObj(); ModelInitData modelData; { modelData.position = Float3( decoded.position ); modelData.rotation = Quaternion( Float3(decoded.position), decoded.rotationQ[3] ); modelData.scale = Float3( decoded.scale ); modelData.visible = true; modelData.id = decoded.object_ID; ::Utility::String::StringToWstring( decoded.name, modelData.modelPath ); } object->Init(modelData); // RB DEBUG // Is just using the model position since the rigid body data should never be sent to the client RBInitData RBData; RBData.position = decoded.position; RBData.rotation = ArrayToQuaternion( decoded.position ); RBData.scale = Float3( decoded.scale ); this->privData->player.InitRB( RBData ); // !RB DEBUG (*this->privData->dynamicObjects)[decoded.object_ID] = object; } return GameClientState::event_processed; case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectCreatePlayer: { Protocol_ObjectCreatePlayer decoded(data); this->InitiatePlayer( decoded.object_ID, decoded.meshName, decoded.position, decoded.rotationQ, decoded.scale, decoded.owner ); } return GameClientState::event_processed; case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectJoinTeam: break; /** @todo TODO: implement */ case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectLeaveTeam: break; /** @todo TODO: implement */ case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectWeaponCooldown: break; /** @todo TODO: implement */ case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectWeaponEnergy: break; /** @todo TODO: implement */ case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectRespawn: break; /** @todo TODO: implement */ case protocol_Gameplay_ObjectDie: break; /** @todo TODO: implement */ default: break; } } else if( ProtocolIsGeneral(ID) ) { switch( ID ) { case protocol_General_Status: break; /** @todo TODO: implement */ case protocol_General_Text: break; /** @todo TODO: implement */ default: break; } } return message; }