#ifndef PHYSICS_API_H #define PHYSICS_API_H #include "OysterCollision3D.h" #include "OysterMath.h" #if defined DLL_EXPORT #define DLL_USAGE __declspec(dllexport) #else #define DLL_USAGE __declspec(dllimport) #endif namespace Oyster { namespace Physics { class API; class ICustomBody; enum UpdateState { resting, altered }; namespace Constant { const float gravity_constant = (const float)6.67284e-11; //!< The _big_G_! ( N(m/kg)^2 ) Used in real gravityforcefields. } class DLL_USAGE MomentOfInertia { public: static ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 & CreateSphereMatrix( const ::Oyster::Math::Float mass, const ::Oyster::Math::Float radius); static ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 & CreateHollowSphereMatrix( const ::Oyster::Math::Float mass, const ::Oyster::Math::Float radius); static ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 & CreateCuboidMatrix( const ::Oyster::Math::Float mass, const ::Oyster::Math::Float height, const ::Oyster::Math::Float width, const ::Oyster::Math::Float depth ); static ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 & CreateCylinderMatrix( const ::Oyster::Math::Float mass, const ::Oyster::Math::Float height, const ::Oyster::Math::Float radius ); static ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 & CreateRodMatrix( const ::Oyster::Math::Float mass, const ::Oyster::Math::Float length ); }; class DLL_USAGE API { public: typedef void (*EventAction_Collision)( unsigned int, unsigned int ); typedef void (*EventAction_Destruction)( unsigned int, ::Utility::DynamicMemory::UniquePointer ); /** Gets the Physics instance. */ static API & Instance(); /******************************************************** * Sets the time length of each physics update frame. ********************************************************/ virtual void SetDeltaTime( float seconds ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Sets the Gravityconstant in the physics that will be * used in ForceField calculations. * @param g: Default is the real world Constant::gravity_constant [N(m/kg)^2] ********************************************************/ virtual void SetGravityConstant( float g ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Sets the function that will be called by the engine * whenever a subscribed collision occurs. ********************************************************/ virtual void SetAction( EventAction_Collision functionPointer ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Sets the function that will be called by the engine * whenever an object is being destroyed for some reason. * - Because DestroyObject(...) were called. * - Out of memory forced engine to destroy an object. ********************************************************/ virtual void SetAction( EventAction_Destruction functionPointer ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Triggers the engine to run next update frame. * All accumulated forces and changes will be consumed. * EventAction functions might be called. ********************************************************/ virtual void Update() = 0; /******************************************************** * An object in limbo state will be ignored during the physics frame Update. * @param objRef: A pointer to the ICustomBody representing a physical object. * @return true if object is in limbo state. ********************************************************/ virtual bool IsInLimbo( const ICustomBody* objRef ) = 0; /******************************************************** * An object in limbo state will be ignored during the physics frame Update. * This will put an object in Limbo state. * @param objRef: A pointer to the ICustomBody representing a physical object. ********************************************************/ virtual void MoveToLimbo( const ICustomBody* objRef ) = 0; /******************************************************** * An object in limbo state will be ignored during the physics frame Update. * This will clear the accumulated force/torque and remove the Limbo state. * @param objRef: A pointer to the ICustomBody representing a physical object. ********************************************************/ virtual void ReleaseFromLimbo( const ICustomBody* objRef ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Introduces a new object into the engine. * @param handle: A pointer along with the responsibility to delete. ********************************************************/ virtual void AddObject( ::Utility::DynamicMemory::UniquePointer handle ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Fetches and removes an object from the engine. * Will not call the provided EventAction_Destruction method. * @param objRef: A pointer to the ICustomBody representing a physical object. * @return A pointer along with the responsibility to delete. NULL if faulty objRef. ********************************************************/ virtual ::Utility::DynamicMemory::UniquePointer ExtractObject( const ICustomBody* objRef ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Removes an object from the engine. * Will call the provided EventAction_Destruction method. Not if objRef is faulty. * @param objRef: A pointer to the ICustomBody representing a physical object. ********************************************************/ virtual void DestroyObject( const ICustomBody* objRef ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Apply force on an object. * @param objRef: A pointer to the ICustomBody representing a physical object. * @param worldPos: Relative to the world origo. (Not relative to object) [m] * @param worldF: Vector with the direction and magnitude of the force. [N] ********************************************************/ virtual void ApplyForceAt( const ICustomBody* objRef, const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos, const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldF ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Apply force on an object. * @param objRefA: A pointer to the ICustomBody representing a physical object. * @param objRefB: A pointer to the ICustomBody representing a physical object. * @param deltaWhen: The elapsed simulation time since last update frame. [s] * @param worldPointOfContact: Point of Collision, relative to the world origo. (Not relative to the objects) [m] ********************************************************/ virtual void ApplyCollisionResponse( const ICustomBody* objRefA, const ICustomBody* objRefB, ::Oyster::Math::Float &deltaWhen, ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPointOfContact ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Sets the MomentOfInertia tensor matrix of an object without changing it's angular velocity. * Noticeable effect: The angular momentum will change. Changing the amount of kinetic energy. * @param objRef: A pointer to the ICustomBody representing a physical object. * @param localI: The tensor matrix relative to the axises of the object. @see MomentOfInertia namespace. ********************************************************/ virtual void SetMomentOfInertiaTensor_KeepVelocity( const ICustomBody* objRef, const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &localI ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Sets the MomentOfInertia tensor matrix of an object without changing it's angular momentum. * Noticeable effect: The angular velocity will change. Can be used to create slow effects. * @param objRef: A pointer to the ICustomBody representing a physical object. * @param localI: The tensor matrix relative to the axises of the object. @see MomentOfInertia namespace. ********************************************************/ virtual void SetMomentOfInertiaTensor_KeepMomentum( const ICustomBody* objRef, const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &localI ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Sets the mass of an object without changing it's linear velocity. * Noticeable effect: The linear momentum will change. Changing the amount of kinetic energy. * @param objRef: A pointer to the ICustomBody representing a physical object. * @param m: [kg] ********************************************************/ virtual void SetMass_KeepVelocity( const ICustomBody* objRef, ::Oyster::Math::Float m ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Sets the mass of an object without changing it's linear velocity. * Noticeable effect: The linear velocity will change. Can be used to create slow effects. * @param objRef: A pointer to the ICustomBody representing a physical object. * @param m: [kg] ********************************************************/ virtual void SetMass_KeepMomentum( const ICustomBody* objRef, ::Oyster::Math::Float m ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Instantly moves an object. * @param objRef: A pointer to the ICustomBody representing a physical object. * @param worldPos: Relative to the world origo. (Not relative to object) [m] ********************************************************/ virtual void SetCenter( const ICustomBody* objRef, const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Instantly redirects object. * @param objRef: A pointer to the ICustomBody representing a physical object. * @param rotation: New rotation. ********************************************************/ virtual void SetRotation( const ICustomBody* objRef, const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &rotation ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Instantly moves and redirects object. * @param objRef: A pointer to the ICustomBody representing a physical object. * @param orientation: New orientation. ********************************************************/ virtual void SetOrientation( const ICustomBody* objRef, const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &orientation ) = 0; /******************************************************** * Creates a new dynamically allocated object that can be used as a component for more complex ICustomBodies. * @return A pointer along with the responsibility to delete. ********************************************************/ virtual ::Utility::DynamicMemory::UniquePointer CreateSimpleRigidBody() const = 0; protected: virtual ~API() {} }; //! documentation in progress class DLL_USAGE ICustomBody { public: virtual ~ICustomBody() {}; /******************************************************** * Creates a complete copy of the current (type)object. * @return An ICustomBody pointer along with the responsibility to delete. ********************************************************/ virtual ::Utility::DynamicMemory::UniquePointer Clone() const = 0; virtual bool IsSubscribingCollisions() const = 0; virtual bool Intersects( const ICustomBody &object, ::Oyster::Math::Float &deltaWhen, ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPointOfContact ) const = 0; virtual bool Intersects( const ::Oyster::Collision3D::ICollideable &shape ) const = 0; virtual ::Oyster::Collision3D::Sphere & GetBoundingSphere( ::Oyster::Collision3D::Sphere &targetMem = ::Oyster::Collision3D::Sphere() ) const = 0; virtual ::Oyster::Math::Float3 & GetNormalAt( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos, ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &targetMem = ::Oyster::Math::Float3() ) const = 0; virtual ::Oyster::Math::Float3 & GetCenter( ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &targetMem = ::Oyster::Math::Float3() ) const = 0; virtual ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 & GetRotation( ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &targetMem = ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4() ) const = 0; virtual ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 & GetOrientation( ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &targetMem = ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4() ) const = 0; virtual ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 & GetView( ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &targetMem = ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4() ) const = 0; virtual UpdateState Update( ::Oyster::Math::Float timeStepLength ) = 0; virtual void SetMomentOfInertiaTensor_KeepVelocity( const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &localI ) = 0; virtual void SetMomentOfInertiaTensor_KeepMomentum( const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &localI ) = 0; virtual void SetMass_KeepVelocity( ::Oyster::Math::Float m ) = 0; virtual void SetMass_KeepMomentum( ::Oyster::Math::Float m ) = 0; virtual void SetCenter( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos ) = 0; virtual void SetRotation( const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &rotation ) = 0; virtual void SetOrientation( const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &orientation ) = 0; }; } } #endif