#include "GamingUI.h" #include #include "Utilities.h" using namespace ::DanBias::Client; using namespace ::Oyster::Network; using namespace ::GameLogic; using namespace ::Utility::Value; using namespace ::Oyster::Math; using namespace ::Input; GamingUI::GamingUI() : GameStateUI() { /* Should never be called! */ this->sharedData = nullptr; this->camera = nullptr; this->plane = nullptr; this->text = nullptr; this->nextState = GameStateUI::UIState_same; } GamingUI::GamingUI( SharedStateContent* shared, Camera_FPSV2 *camera ) : GameStateUI() { this->sharedData = shared; this->camera = camera; this->nextState = GameStateUI::UIState_same; } GamingUI::~GamingUI() { /* Do nothing */ } bool GamingUI::Init() { // z value should be between 0.5 - 0.9 so that it will be behind other states // add textures and text this->plane = new Plane_UI(L"box_tex.png", Float3(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f), Float2(0.3f, 0.1f)); this->text = new Text_UI(L"hej", Float3(0.5f,0.0f,0.1f), Float2(0.1f,0.1f)); this->sharedData = sharedData; // setting input mode to all raw this->sharedData->keyboardDevice->Activate(); this->sharedData->mouseDevice->Activate(); this->sharedData->mouseDevice->AddMouseEvent(this); return true; } GameStateUI::UIState GamingUI::Update( float deltaTime ) { ReadKeyInput(); return this->nextState; } bool GamingUI::HaveGUIRender() const { return true; } bool GamingUI::HaveTextRender() const { return true; } void GamingUI::RenderGUI() const { this->plane->RenderTexture(); } void GamingUI::RenderText() const { this->text->RenderText(); } bool GamingUI::Release() { // TODO: Release UI components here. if(this->plane) delete this->plane; if(this->text) delete this->text; this->sharedData = 0; return true; } void GamingUI::SetHPtext( std::wstring hp ) { this->text->setText(hp); } void GamingUI::ReadKeyInput() { if( this->sharedData->keyboardDevice->IsKeyDown(::Input::Enum::SAKI_W) ) { // move forward this->sharedData->network->Send( Protocol_PlayerMovementForward() ); } if( this->sharedData->keyboardDevice->IsKeyDown(::Input::Enum::SAKI_S) ) { // move backward this->sharedData->network->Send( Protocol_PlayerMovementBackward() ); } if( this->sharedData->keyboardDevice->IsKeyDown(::Input::Enum::SAKI_A) ) { // strafe left this->sharedData->network->Send( Protocol_PlayerMovementLeft() ); } if( this->sharedData->keyboardDevice->IsKeyDown(::Input::Enum::SAKI_D) ) { // strafe right this->sharedData->network->Send( Protocol_PlayerMovementRight() ); } if( this->sharedData->keyboardDevice->IsKeyDown(::Input::Enum::SAKI_Space) ) { // jump if(!this->key_Jump) { this->sharedData->network->Send( Protocol_PlayerJump() ); this->key_Jump = true; } } else this->key_Jump = false; // shoot //if( this->sharedData->mouseDevice->IsBtnDown(::Input::Enum::SAMI_MouseLeftBtn) ) //{ // if( !this->key_Shoot ) // { // Protocol_PlayerShot playerShot; // playerShot.primaryPressed = true; // playerShot.secondaryPressed = false; // playerShot.utilityPressed = false; // this->sharedData->network->Send( playerShot ); // this->key_Shoot = true; // } //} //else // this->key_Shoot = false; // //if( this->sharedData->mouseDevice->IsBtnDown(::Input::Enum::SAMI_MouseRightBtn) ) //{ // if( !this->key_Shoot ) // { // Protocol_PlayerShot playerShot; // playerShot.primaryPressed = false; // playerShot.secondaryPressed = true; // playerShot.utilityPressed = false; // this->sharedData->network->Send( playerShot ); // this->key_Shoot = true; // } //} //else // this->key_Shoot = false; // //if( this->sharedData->mouseDevice->IsBtnDown(::Input::Enum::SAMI_MouseMiddleBtn) ) //{ // if( !this->key_Shoot ) // { // Protocol_PlayerShot playerShot; // playerShot.primaryPressed = false; // playerShot.secondaryPressed = false; // playerShot.utilityPressed = true; // this->sharedData->network->Send( playerShot ); // this->key_Shoot = true; // } //} //else // this->key_Shoot = false; if( this->sharedData->keyboardDevice->IsKeyDown(::Input::Enum::SAKI_Escape) ) { this->nextState = GameStateUI::UIState_shut_down; } if( this->sharedData->keyboardDevice->IsKeyDown(::Input::Enum::SAKI_M) ) { this->nextState = GameStateUI::UIState_main_menu; } } void GamingUI::OnMousePress ( Input::Enum::SAMI key, Input::Mouse* sender ) { switch ( key ) { case ::Input::Enum::SAMI_MouseLeftBtn: // shoot this->sharedData->network->Send( Protocol_PlayerShot(Protocol_PlayerShot::ShootValue_PrimaryPress) ); break; case ::Input::Enum::SAMI_MouseRightBtn: this->sharedData->network->Send( Protocol_PlayerShot(Protocol_PlayerShot::ShootValue_SecondaryPress) ); break; case ::Input::Enum::SAMI_MouseMiddleBtn: this->sharedData->network->Send( Protocol_PlayerShot(Protocol_PlayerShot::ShootValue_UtilityPress) ); break; } } void GamingUI::OnMouseRelease ( Input::Enum::SAMI key, Input::Mouse* sender ) { switch ( key ) { case ::Input::Enum::SAMI_MouseLeftBtn: // shoot this->sharedData->network->Send( Protocol_PlayerShot(Protocol_PlayerShot::ShootValue_PrimaryRelease) ); break; case ::Input::Enum::SAMI_MouseRightBtn: this->sharedData->network->Send( Protocol_PlayerShot(Protocol_PlayerShot::ShootValue_SecondaryRelease) ); break; case ::Input::Enum::SAMI_MouseMiddleBtn: this->sharedData->network->Send( Protocol_PlayerShot(Protocol_PlayerShot::ShootValue_UtilityRelease) ); break; } } void GamingUI::OnMouseMoveVelocity ( Input::Struct::SAIPointInt2D coordinate, Input::Mouse* sender ) { //send delta mouse movement { this->camera->PitchDown( (-coordinate.y) * this->sharedData->mouseSensitivity ); //this->camera->YawLeft( (-coordinate.x) * this->sharedData->mouseSensitivity ); //if( deltaPos.x != 0.0f ) //This made the camera reset to a specific rotation. Why? { this->sharedData->network->Send( Protocol_PlayerLeftTurn((coordinate.x) * this->sharedData->mouseSensitivity, this->camera->GetLook()) ); } } } <<<<<<< HEAD ======= >>>>>>> origin/New-inputsystem