#include "SocketClient.h" const int maxThreadCount=2; bool validateIpAddress(const std::string ipAddress) { struct sockaddr_in sa; int result = inet_pton(AF_INET, ipAddress.c_str(), &(sa.sin_addr)); return result != 0; } /*int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::string tst; bool test=true; //Multithreading variables //int nThreads = 0; //DWORD dwThreadId[maxThreadCount]; //HANDLE threadhandle; GameClass game; SocketClient client; //Sets up the link to the GameClass class. client.setPlayerContPtr(&game); //This is the loop which makes the user enter the server address. while (!client.isReady()); do { if (!test) { printf("Could not connect to server. Try another IP.\n"); } else { printf("Enter the server ip. \n"); } getline(std::cin, tst); if (tst.length()==0) { tst=""; } if (validateIpAddress(tst)) { //Tmp init connection message: set username char* tmp=new char[30]; printf("What is your desired username?\n"); std::cin.getline(tmp,30); if (strlen(tmp)==0) { tmp="Anonymous"; } printf("Username set to %s\n", tmp); test=client.connectToIP(tst.c_str(), tmp, strlen(tmp)); } else { printf("Invalid IPaddress. Please enter a new IPaddress.\n"); test=false; } } while (!test); while (!client.isConnected()); Sleep(1000); //Starts the receive loop //threadhandle=CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&client.receiveDataThreadV,(LPVOID) &client,0,&dwThreadId[0]); client.startReceiveThread(); //GetExitCodeThread(threadhandle, eCode); //This is just a loop to receive user input which creates a natural delay for sendUserData. printf("Write what you want to send\n"); tst="tmp init message"; while (tst.length()>0) { client.sendMessage(tst); client.sendUserData(); getline(std::cin, tst); } //Kills off the thread and connection //DWORD eCode=0; //TerminateThread(threadhandle, eCode); client.closeConnection(); return 0; }*/