10 com.umlet.element.Class 70 390 810 230 MassDriver com.umlet.element.Class 720 360 130 50 Upgrade component side of weapon com.umlet.element.Class 720 590 130 50 Upgrade component side of weapon com.umlet.element.Class 640 490 140 50 Upgrade component underside of weapon com.umlet.element.Class 850 490 130 50 Upgrade component front of weapon com.umlet.element.Class 580 0 370 160 Side upgrades __ Aim module that changes the angle of the aiming cone this also concetrates the power in a small area and will do more damage than usual, or it can increase the angle and do less damage but in a wider hit angle __ Range module that changes the lenght of the aim cone so that objects further away can be hit __ com.umlet.element.Class 1080 410 260 160 Front upgrades __ Power Module that increases the amount of force that the weapon is able to shoot com.umlet.element.Class 340 700 410 160 underside upgrade(Functional upgrade ie new weapon type) __ grenade launcher that launches for example black and white hole grenade com.umlet.element.Relation 950 490 150 50 lt=<. 30;30;130;30 com.umlet.element.Relation 470 510 190 210 lt=<. 170;30;30;190 com.umlet.element.Relation 760 130 50 250 lt=<. 30;230;30;30 com.umlet.element.Relation 700 130 50 480 lt=<. 30;460;30;30