#include "RespawnUI.h" using namespace ::DanBias::Client; using namespace ::Oyster::Network; using namespace ::Utility::Value; using namespace ::Oyster::Math; RespawnUI::RespawnUI() : GameStateUI() { /* Should never be called! */ this->netClient = nullptr; this->countDown = 0.0f; } RespawnUI::RespawnUI( NetworkClient *connection, float delay ) : GameStateUI() { this->netClient = connection; this->countDown = delay; this->text = nullptr; } RespawnUI::~RespawnUI() { /* Do nothing */ } bool RespawnUI::Init() { // z value should be between 0.5 - 0.9 so that it will be behind other states // add textures and text this->text = new Text_UI(L"DEAD", Float3(0.5f,0.0f,0.5f), Float2(0.2f,0.2f)); return true; } GameStateUI::UIState RespawnUI::Update( float deltaTime ) { this->countDown = Max( this->countDown - deltaTime, 0.0f ); // countDown == 0 // return UIState_gaming state; return this->nextState; } bool RespawnUI::HaveGUIRender() const { return false; // TODO: change to true when we want UI elements like a crosshair } bool RespawnUI::HaveTextRender() const { return true; // TODO: change to true when we want UI elements like a chat window } void RespawnUI::RenderGUI() const { // TODO:BLOODY SCREEN } void RespawnUI::RenderText() const { this->text->RenderText(); // TODO: Text countdown somewhere on screen would be nice } bool RespawnUI::Release() { // TODO: Release UI components here. if(this->text) delete this->text; return true; } void RespawnUI::SetCountdown( float cd ) { this->countDown = cd; // this text should be rendered }