////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Created by Erik of the GameLogic team ////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef TEAMMANAGER_H #define TEAMMANAGER_H #include "Player.h" namespace GameLogic { class TeamManager { public: TeamManager(void); TeamManager(int maxNrOfTeams); ~TeamManager(void); /******************************************************** * Respawns the chosen player on a random teammember * @param player: Pointer to the player you want to respawn ********************************************************/ void RespawnPlayerRandom(Player *player); /******************************************************** * Creates a team that can hold players * @param teamSize: The number of players that can fit in this team ********************************************************/ void CreateTeam(int teamSize); /******************************************************** * Removes the chosen team * @param teamID: This is the array ID of the team you want to remove ********************************************************/ void RemoveTeam(int teamID); /******************************************************** * Adds a player to the teamID given * @param player: Player that you want to add to a team * @param teamID: The team you want to place the player in ********************************************************/ bool AddPlayerToTeam(Player *player ,int teamID); /******************************************************** * Adds a player to the team with the least amount players * @param player: Player that you want to add to a team ********************************************************/ bool AddPlayerToTeam(Player *player); /******************************************************** * Checks if the team exists or not, returns true if yes * @param teamID: ID of the team that are to exist or not ********************************************************/ bool IsValidTeam(int teamID); private: struct PrivateData; PrivateData *myData; }; } #endif