#include "PhysicsAPI_Impl.h" #include "OysterPhysics3D.h" #include "SimpleRigidBody.h" #include "SphericalRigidBody.h" using namespace ::Oyster::Physics; using namespace ::Oyster::Math; using namespace ::Oyster::Collision3D; using namespace ::Utility::DynamicMemory; API_Impl API_instance; namespace { void OnPossibleCollision( Octree& worldScene, unsigned int protoTempRef, unsigned int deuterTempRef ) { /** @todo TODO: OnPossibleCollision is a temporary solution .*/ auto proto = worldScene.GetCustomBody( protoTempRef ); auto deuter = worldScene.GetCustomBody( deuterTempRef ); Float4 worldPointOfContact; if( proto->Intersects(*deuter, worldPointOfContact) ) { switch( proto->CallSubscription(proto, deuter) ) { case ICustomBody::SubscriptMessage_ignore_collision_response: break; default: { // Apply CollisionResponse in pure gather pattern ICustomBody::State protoState; proto->GetState( protoState ); ICustomBody::State deuterState; proto->GetState( deuterState ); Float4 protoG = protoState.GetLinearMomentum( worldPointOfContact ), deuterG = deuterState.GetLinearMomentum( worldPointOfContact ); // calc from perspective of deuter Float4 normal; deuter->GetNormalAt( worldPointOfContact, normal ); Float protoG_Magnitude = protoG.Dot( normal ), deuterG_Magnitude = deuterG.Dot( normal ); // bounce Float4 sumJ = normal * Formula::CollisionResponse::Impulse( deuterState.GetRestitutionCoeff(), deuterState.GetMass(), deuterG_Magnitude, protoState.GetMass(), protoG_Magnitude ); // @todo TODO: friction // sumJ -= ; // calc from perspective of proto proto->GetNormalAt( worldPointOfContact, normal ); protoG_Magnitude = protoG.Dot( normal ), deuterG_Magnitude = deuterG.Dot( normal ); // bounce sumJ += normal * Formula::CollisionResponse::Impulse( protoState.GetRestitutionCoeff(), protoState.GetMass(), protoG_Magnitude, deuterState.GetMass(), deuterG_Magnitude ); // @todo TODO: friction // sumJ += ; protoState.ApplyImpulse( sumJ, worldPointOfContact, normal ); proto->SetState( protoState ); } break; } } } } API & API::Instance() { return API_instance; } API_Impl::API_Impl() { this->gravityConstant = Constant::gravity_constant; this->updateFrameLength = 1.0f / 120.0f; this->destructionAction = Default::EventAction_Destruction; this->worldScene = Octree(); } API_Impl::~API_Impl() {} void API_Impl::Init( unsigned int numObjects, unsigned int numGravityWells , const Float3 &worldSize ) { unsigned char numLayers = 4; //!< @todo TODO: calc numLayers from worldSize this->worldScene = Octree( numObjects, numLayers, worldSize ); } void API_Impl::SetFrameTimeLength( float deltaTime ) { this->updateFrameLength = deltaTime; } void API_Impl::SetGravityConstant( float g ) { this->gravityConstant = g; } void API_Impl::SetSubscription( API::EventAction_Destruction functionPointer ) { if( functionPointer ) { this->destructionAction = functionPointer; } else { this->destructionAction = Default::EventAction_Destruction; } } void API_Impl::Update() { /** @todo TODO: Update is a temporary solution .*/ ::std::vector updateList; auto proto = this->worldScene.Sample( Universe(), updateList ).begin(); for( ; proto != updateList.end(); ++proto ) { // Step 1: @todo TODO: Apply Gravity // Step 2: Apply Collision Response this->worldScene.Visit( *proto, OnPossibleCollision ); } proto = updateList.begin(); for( ; proto != updateList.end(); ++proto ) { switch( (*proto)->Update(this->updateFrameLength) ) { case UpdateState_altered: this->worldScene.SetAsAltered( this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf(*proto) ); case UpdateState_resting: default: break; } } } bool API_Impl::IsInLimbo( const ICustomBody* objRef ) { //! @todo TODO: implement stub return true; } void API_Impl::MoveToLimbo( const ICustomBody* objRef ) { /** @todo TODO: Fix this function.*/ } void API_Impl::ReleaseFromLimbo( const ICustomBody* objRef ) { /** @todo TODO: Fix this function.*/ } void API_Impl::AddObject( ::Utility::DynamicMemory::UniquePointer handle ) { this->worldScene.AddObject( handle ); } UniquePointer API_Impl::ExtractObject( const ICustomBody* objRef ) { return this->worldScene.Extract( objRef ); } void API_Impl::DestroyObject( const ICustomBody* objRef ) { UniquePointer object = this->worldScene.Extract( objRef ); if( object ) { this->destructionAction( object ); } } void API_Impl::ApplyForceAt( const ICustomBody* objRef, const Float3 &worldPos, const Float3 &worldF ) { unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef ); if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref ) { //this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->Apply //!< @todo TODO: need function this->worldScene.SetAsAltered( tempRef ); } } void API_Impl::SetMomentOfInertiaTensor_KeepVelocity( const ICustomBody* objRef, const Float4x4 &localI ) { // deprecated unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef ); if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref ) { this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->SetMomentOfInertiaTensor_KeepVelocity( localI ); } } void API_Impl::SetMomentOfInertiaTensor_KeepMomentum( const ICustomBody* objRef, const Float4x4 &localI ) { // deprecated unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef ); if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref ) { this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->SetMomentOfInertiaTensor_KeepMomentum( localI ); } } void API_Impl::SetMass_KeepVelocity( const ICustomBody* objRef, Float m ) { // deprecated unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef ); if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref ) { this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->SetMass_KeepVelocity( m ); } } void API_Impl::SetMass_KeepMomentum( const ICustomBody* objRef, Float m ) { // deprecated unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef ); if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref ) { this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->SetMass_KeepMomentum( m ); } } void API_Impl::SetCenter( const ICustomBody* objRef, const Float3 &worldPos ) { unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef ); if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref ) { //this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->Set //!< @todo TODO: need function this->worldScene.EvaluatePosition( tempRef ); } } void API_Impl::SetRotation( const ICustomBody* objRef, const Float4x4 &rotation ) { unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef ); if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref ) { this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->SetRotation( rotation ); this->worldScene.EvaluatePosition( tempRef ); } } void API_Impl::SetOrientation( const ICustomBody* objRef, const Float4x4 &orientation ) { unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef ); if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref ) { this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->SetOrientation( orientation ); this->worldScene.EvaluatePosition( tempRef ); } } void API_Impl::SetSize( const ICustomBody* objRef, const Float3 &size ) { unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef ); if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref ) { this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->SetSize( size ); this->worldScene.EvaluatePosition( tempRef ); } } UniquePointer API_Impl::CreateRigidBody( const API::SimpleBodyDescription &desc ) const { return new SimpleRigidBody( desc ); } UniquePointer API_Impl::CreateRigidBody( const API::SphericalBodyDescription &desc ) const { return new SphericalRigidBody( desc ); } namespace Oyster { namespace Physics { namespace Default { void EventAction_Destruction( ::Utility::DynamicMemory::UniquePointer<::Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody> proto ) { /* Do nothing except allowing the proto uniquePointer destroy itself. */ } ::Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody::SubscriptMessage EventAction_Collision( const ::Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *proto, const ::Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *deuter ) { /* Do nothing except returning business as usual. */ return ::Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody::SubscriptMessage_none; } } } }