#include "..\OResource.h" #include "..\..\Utilities.h" #include using namespace Oyster::Resource; bool readANSI = false; bool ReadFromFile(const wchar_t fileName[], const wchar_t openFlag[], std::wstring& outData, size_t elemSize) { size_t bytesTotal = 0; size_t bytesRead = 0; FILE *stream; if( _wfopen_s( &stream, fileName, openFlag ) == 0 ) { //Get size of the file fseek(stream, 0L, SEEK_END); bytesTotal = ftell(stream); fseek(stream, 0L, SEEK_SET); //Sanity check if(bytesTotal == 0) return false; //Create the new byte buffer wchar_t *buff = new wchar_t[bytesTotal + 1]; //Read the bytes to the end bytesRead = fread_s( buff, bytesTotal, elemSize, bytesTotal ,stream ); fclose( stream ); //Did we read enough bytes if(!readANSI && bytesRead != bytesTotal) return false; //Add delimiter buff[bytesRead] = L'\0'; outData.resize(bytesTotal); outData = buff; delete [] buff; } else { std::wstring msg = L"Failed to open file: \n"; msg.append(fileName); return false; } return true; } bool ReadFromFile(const wchar_t fileName[], const char openFlag[], std::string& outData, size_t elemSize) { std::string sFilename; std::wstring wsFile = fileName; ::Utility::String::WStringToString(wsFile, sFilename); size_t bytesTotal = 0; size_t bytesRead = 0; FILE *stream; if( fopen_s( &stream, sFilename.c_str(), openFlag ) == 0 ) { //Get size of the file fseek(stream, 0L, SEEK_END); bytesTotal = ftell(stream); fseek(stream, 0L, SEEK_SET); fflush(stream); //Sanity check if(bytesTotal == 0) return false; //Create the new byte buffer char *buff = new char[bytesTotal + 1]; //Read the bytes to the end bytesRead = fread_s( buff, bytesTotal, elemSize, bytesTotal ,stream ); fclose( stream ); //Did we read enough bytes (Get the bytes if we read with ANSI since the hidden characters is ignored) if(!readANSI && bytesRead != bytesTotal) return false; buff[bytesRead + 1]; outData.clear(); outData.resize(bytesRead); memcpy(&outData[0], &buff[0], bytesRead); delete [] buff; } else { std::string msg = "Failed to open file: \n"; msg.append(sFilename.c_str()); return false; } return true; } OResource* OResource::ByteLoader(const wchar_t filename[], ResourceType type, OResource* old) { OResource *resource = old; std::wstring wOut; std::string sOut; bool success = false; switch (type) { case Oyster::Resource::ResourceType_Byte_Raw: success = ReadFromFile(filename, "rb", sOut, sizeof(char)); break; case Oyster::Resource::ResourceType_Byte_ANSI: readANSI = true; success = ReadFromFile(filename, "r", sOut, sizeof(char)); readANSI = false; break; case Oyster::Resource::ResourceType_Byte_UTF8: success = ReadFromFile(filename, "r, ccs=UTF-8", sOut, sizeof(char)); break; case Oyster::Resource::ResourceType_Byte_UNICODE: success = ReadFromFile(filename, "r, ccs=UNICODE", sOut, sizeof(char)); break; case Oyster::Resource::ResourceType_Byte_UTF16LE: success = ReadFromFile(filename, "r, ccs=UTF-16LE", sOut, sizeof(char)); break; } if(!success) return 0; if(wOut.size()) { //const wchar_t *data = new wchar_t[wOut.size()]; //resource = new OResource((void*)data, type, (sizeof(wchar_t) * wOut.size()), sizeof(wchar_t), filename); } else if(sOut.size()) { char *data = new char[sOut.size()+1]; data[sOut.size()] = '\0'; memcpy(&data[0], &sOut[0], sOut.size()); if(!old) { resource = new OResource((OHRESOURCE)data, type, (sizeof(char) * sOut.size()), sizeof(char), filename); } else { old->resourceData = (OHRESOURCE)data; } } return resource; } void OResource::ByteUnloader() { delete [] ((char*)this->resourceData); this->resourceData = 0; } OResource* OResource::ByteReloader() { ByteUnloader(); return ByteLoader(this->resourceFilename.c_str(), this->resourceType, this); }