////////////////////////////////////// // Created by Pontus Fransson 2013 // // Modified by Dennis Andersen 2014 // ////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef INCLUDE_WINSOCK_LIB #define INCLUDE_WINSOCK_LIB #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") #endif #include "NetworkClient.h" #include "Translator.h" #include "CustomNetProtocol.h" #include "NetworkSession.h" #include "../NetworkDependencies/ConnectionUDP.h" #include "../NetworkDependencies/Connection.h" #include "../NetworkDependencies/PostBox.h" #include "../NetworkDependencies/WinsockFunctions.h" #include "Utilities.h" #include "Thread/IThreadObject.h" #include "Thread/OysterThread.h" #include "Packing/Packing.h" #include #include #include //For conversion from wstring to string #include using namespace Oyster::Network; using namespace Oyster::Thread; using namespace Utility::DynamicMemory; using namespace Utility::Container; using namespace std; /************************************* PrivateData *************************************/ typedef NetworkClient::ClientEventArgs CEA; void OnRecieve_Default(NetEvent e) {} struct NetworkClient::PrivateData : public IThreadObject { NetworkSession *owner; NetworkClient *parent; Connection connection; Translator translator; OysterThread thread; bool outputEvent; OysterByte recieveBuffer; //Message queue for sending and recieving ThreadSafeQueue sendQueue; ThreadSafeQueue> recieveQueue; //Testing for eventSelect. HANDLE socketEvents[2]; HANDLE shutdownEvent; //Broadcasting bool broadcastingStarted; HANDLE broadcastEvent; HANDLE broadcastShutdownEvent; std::thread broadcastThread; ConnectionUDP broadcastConnection; OysterByte broadcastTempMessage; Translator broadcastTranslator; //The OysterByte each message is packed in. OysterByte tempMessage; //Used to buffer messages OysterByte bufferedSend; int numPackages; //ID static unsigned int currID; const unsigned int ID; PrivateData() : ID(currID++) , parent(0) , owner(0) , outputEvent(0) { broadcastingStarted = false; numPackages = 0; bufferedSend.Resize(MAX_NETWORK_MESSAGE_SIZE); tempMessage.Resize(MAX_NETWORK_MESSAGE_SIZE); InitWinSock(); this->thread.Create(this, false); this->thread.SetPriority(Oyster::Thread::OYSTER_THREAD_PRIORITY_1); } ~PrivateData() { SetEvent(shutdownEvent); this->thread.Wait(); ShutdownWinSock(); this->connection.Disconnect(); this->owner = 0; this->parent = 0; } void ThreadEntry() { //Create alla events used in the thread shutdownEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, true, false, NULL); socketEvents[0] = WSACreateEvent(); socketEvents[1] = WSACreateEvent(); if(socketEvents[0] == WSA_INVALID_EVENT) { //Error } if(WSAEventSelect(this->connection.GetSocket(), socketEvents[0], FD_READ) == SOCKET_ERROR) { //Error } } void ThreadExit() { WSACloseEvent(socketEvents[0]); WSACloseEvent(socketEvents[1]); CloseHandle(shutdownEvent); } //Thread for receiving broadcast messages void BroadcastThread() { WSANETWORKEVENTS wsaEvents; while(WaitForSingleObject(broadcastShutdownEvent, 0) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { int result = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(1, &broadcastEvent, FALSE, 100, FALSE) - WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0; if(result == 0) { WSAEnumNetworkEvents(this->broadcastConnection.GetSocket(), broadcastEvent, &wsaEvents); if((wsaEvents.lNetworkEvents & FD_READ) && (wsaEvents.iErrorCode[FD_READ_BIT] == 0)) { //Recieve a message RecvUDP(); } } } } bool DoWork() override { WSANETWORKEVENTS wsaEvents; while(WaitForSingleObject(shutdownEvent, 0) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { if(!this->connection.IsConnected()) return false; int result = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(3, socketEvents, FALSE, 100, FALSE) - WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0; if(result == 0) { WSAEnumNetworkEvents(this->connection.GetSocket(), socketEvents[0], &wsaEvents); if((wsaEvents.lNetworkEvents & FD_READ) && (wsaEvents.iErrorCode[FD_READ_BIT] == 0)) { //Recieve a message Recv(); } } else if(result == 1) { //Send all messages in the sendQueue int i = this->sendQueue.Size(); WSAResetEvent(socketEvents[1]); if(i == 1) { Send(); } else if(i > 1) { for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) BufferMessage(); SendBuffer(); } } } return false; } void RecvUDP() { int errorCode = -1; errorCode = this->broadcastConnection.Recieve(broadcastTempMessage); if(errorCode == 0 && broadcastTempMessage.GetSize()) { CustomNetProtocol protocol; bool ok = this->broadcastTranslator.Unpack(protocol, broadcastTempMessage); //Check if the protocol was unpacked correctly if(ok) { CEA parg; parg.type = CEA::EventType_ProtocolRecieved; parg.data.protocol = protocol; NetEvent e; e.sender = this->parent; e.args.data.protocol = parg.data.protocol; e.args.type = parg.type; this->recieveQueue.Push(e); if(this->outputEvent) { printf("\t(ID: %i | IP: %s | Protocol: %i) Message recieved!\n", this->ID, this->connection.GetIpAddress().c_str(), protocol[0].value.netShort); } } else { if(this->outputEvent) { printf("\t(ID: %i | IP: %s) Failed to unpack CustomNetProtocol!\n", this->ID, this->connection.GetIpAddress().c_str()); } } broadcastTempMessage.Clear(); } } void SendBuffer() { if(bufferedSend.GetSize() > 0) { this->connection.Send(bufferedSend); //printf("2. %d, %d\n", numPackages, bufferedSend.GetSize()); bufferedSend.Clear(); //Debug numPackages = 0; } } void BufferMessage() { int errorCode = 0; if(!this->sendQueue.IsEmpty()) { CustomNetProtocol p = this->sendQueue.Pop(); this->translator.Pack(tempMessage, p); if(tempMessage.GetSize() > MAX_NETWORK_MESSAGE_SIZE - bufferedSend.GetSize()) { //Send buffered message errorCode = this->connection.Send(bufferedSend); //printf("2. %d, %d\n", numPackages, bufferedSend.GetSize()); bufferedSend.Clear(); //Debug numPackages = 0; } bufferedSend += tempMessage; tempMessage.Clear(); //Debug numPackages++; if(errorCode != 0 && errorCode != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { if( errorCode == WSAECONNABORTED || errorCode == WSAENOTCONN) { CEA parg; parg.type = CEA::EventType_Disconnect; parg.data.protocol = p; NetEvent e = { this->parent, parg }; this->recieveQueue.Push(e); if(this->outputEvent) { printf("\t(ID: %i | IP: %s | Protocol: %i) - EventType_Disconnect && EventType_ProtocolFailedToSend \n", this->ID, this->connection.GetIpAddress().c_str(), p[0].value.netShort); } } else { CEA parg; parg.type = CEA::EventType_ProtocolFailedToSend; parg.data.protocol = p; NetEvent e = { this->parent, parg }; this->recieveQueue.Push(e); if(this->outputEvent) { printf("\t(ID: %i | IP: %s | Protocol: %i) - EventType_ProtocolFailedToSend\n", this->ID, this->connection.GetIpAddress().c_str(), p[0].value.netShort); } } } if(this->outputEvent) { printf("\t(ID: %i | IP: %s | Protocol: %i) Message sent!\n", this->ID, this->connection.GetIpAddress().c_str(), p[0].value.netShort); } } } int Send() { int errorCode = 0; if(!this->sendQueue.IsEmpty()) { //printf("\t(%i)\n", this->sendQueue.Size()); CustomNetProtocol p = this->sendQueue.Pop(); this->translator.Pack(tempMessage, p); errorCode = this->connection.Send(tempMessage); tempMessage.Clear(); if(errorCode != 0 && errorCode != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { if( errorCode == WSAECONNABORTED || errorCode == WSAENOTCONN) { CEA parg; parg.type = CEA::EventType_Disconnect; parg.data.protocol = p; NetEvent e = { this->parent, parg }; this->recieveQueue.Push(e); if(this->outputEvent) { printf("\t(ID: %i | IP: %s | Protocol: %i) - EventType_Disconnect && EventType_ProtocolFailedToSend \n", this->ID, this->connection.GetIpAddress().c_str(), p[0].value.netShort); } } else { CEA parg; parg.type = CEA::EventType_ProtocolFailedToSend; parg.data.protocol = p; NetEvent e = { this->parent, parg }; this->recieveQueue.Push(e); if(this->outputEvent) { printf("\t(ID: %i | IP: %s | Protocol: %i) - EventType_ProtocolFailedToSend\n", this->ID, this->connection.GetIpAddress().c_str(), p[0].value.netShort); } } } if(this->outputEvent) { printf("\t(ID: %i | IP: %s | Protocol: %i) Message sent!\n", this->ID, this->connection.GetIpAddress().c_str(), p[0].value.netShort); } } return errorCode; } int Recv() { int errorCode = -1; errorCode = this->connection.Recieve(tempMessage); if(errorCode == 0 && tempMessage.GetSize()) { HandleRecievedData(tempMessage); tempMessage.Clear(); /* Replaced with EmptyOutbufferedQueue() and HandleRecievedData(OysterByte) CustomNetProtocol protocol; bool ok = this->translator.Unpack(protocol, temp); //Check if the protocol was unpacked correctly if(ok) { CEA parg; parg.type = CEA::EventType_ProtocolRecieved; parg.data.protocol = protocol; NetEvent e = { this->parent, parg }; this->recieveQueue.Push(e); }*/ } //else //{ // CEA parg; // parg.type = CEA::EventType_ProtocolFailedToRecieve; // parg.data.nothing = 0; // NetEvent e = { this->parent, parg }; // this->recieveQueue.Push(e); //} return errorCode; } void HandleRecievedData(OysterByte& data) { //Loop through all packages that was recieved and add them to the queue. unsigned int size = 0; Oyster::Network::OysterByte msg; //If there is part of a message in the buffer. if(recieveBuffer.GetSize() > 0) { //cout << "the buffer size: " << recvBuffer.GetSize() < size) { msg = recieveBuffer; recieveBuffer.Clear(); size -= msg.GetSize(); msg.AppendPartOfArray(data, 0, size); UnpackMessageAndAddToQueue(msg); } else if(temp + data.GetSize() == size) { msg = recieveBuffer; recieveBuffer.Clear(); size -= msg.GetSize(); msg += data; UnpackMessageAndAddToQueue(msg); return; } else { recieveBuffer += data; size = data.GetSize(); return; } } for(unsigned int i = size; i < data.GetSize(); i += size) { size = Oyster::Packing::Unpacki(&data.GetByteArray()[i]); if(i+size > data.GetSize()) { //Add it to the recvBuffer instead. recieveBuffer.AppendPartOfArray(data, i, data.GetSize()); break; } msg.Clear(); msg.AppendPartOfArray(data, i, i+size); UnpackMessageAndAddToQueue(msg); } } void UnpackMessageAndAddToQueue(OysterByte& msg) { CustomNetProtocol protocol; bool ok = this->translator.Unpack(protocol, msg); //Check if the protocol was unpacked correctly if(ok) { CEA parg; parg.type = CEA::EventType_ProtocolRecieved; parg.data.protocol = protocol; NetEvent e; e.sender = this->parent; e.args.data.protocol = parg.data.protocol; e.args.type = parg.type; this->recieveQueue.Push(e); if(this->outputEvent) { printf("\t(ID: %i | IP: %s | Protocol: %i) Message recieved!\n", this->ID, this->connection.GetIpAddress().c_str(), protocol[0].value.netShort); } } else { if(this->outputEvent) { printf("\t(ID: %i | IP: %s) Failed to unpack CustomNetProtocol!\n", this->ID, this->connection.GetIpAddress().c_str()); } } } }; unsigned int NetworkClient::PrivateData::currID = 0; /************************************* NetworkClient *************************************/ NetworkClient::NetworkClient() : privateData(nullptr), OnRecieve(OnRecieve_Default) { } NetworkClient::~NetworkClient() { if(this->privateData) { delete this->privateData; this->privateData = NULL; } } bool NetworkClient::operator ==(const NetworkClient& obj) { return (this->privateData->ID == obj.privateData->ID); } bool NetworkClient::operator ==(const int& ID) { return this->privateData->ID == ID; } void NetworkClient::Update() { if(!this->privateData) return; while (!this->privateData->recieveQueue.IsEmpty()) { NetEvent temp = this->privateData->recieveQueue.Pop(); this->DataRecieved(temp); } } bool NetworkClient::Connect(ConnectionInfo& socket) { if(this->IsConnected()) return true; if(this->privateData) return false; if(!this->privateData) this->privateData = new PrivateData(); int result = this->privateData->connection.Connect(socket, true); //Connect has succeeded if(result != 0) return false; this->privateData->parent = this; this->privateData->thread.Start(); //Connect has failed return true; } bool NetworkClient::Connect(unsigned short port, const char serverIP[]) { //Return true if you are already connected. if(this->IsConnected()) return true; if(!this->privateData) this->privateData = new PrivateData(); int result = this->privateData->connection.Connect(port, serverIP, true); //Connect has succeeded if(result != 0) return false; this->privateData->owner = 0; this->privateData->parent = this; this->privateData->thread.Start(); //Connect has failed return true; } bool NetworkClient::Connect(unsigned short port, std::wstring serverIP) { //Convert from wstring to string. typedef std::codecvt_utf8 convert_typeX; std::wstring_convert converterX; std::string ip = converterX.to_bytes(serverIP); return this->Connect(port, ip.c_str()); } bool NetworkClient::Reconnect() { //Return true if you are already connected. if(this->IsConnected()) return true; if(!this->privateData) this->privateData = new PrivateData(); int result = this->privateData->connection.Reconnect(); if(result != 0) { return false; } this->privateData->owner = 0; this->privateData->parent = this; this->privateData->thread.Start(); return true; } void NetworkClient::Disconnect() { if(!privateData) return; SetEvent(privateData->shutdownEvent); privateData->thread.Wait(); privateData->connection.Disconnect(); this->privateData->sendQueue.Clear(); this->privateData->recieveQueue.Clear(); } void NetworkClient::Send(CustomProtocolObject& protocol) { this->privateData->sendQueue.Push(protocol.GetProtocol()); WSASetEvent(this->privateData->socketEvents[1]); } void NetworkClient::Send(CustomNetProtocol& protocol) { this->privateData->sendQueue.Push(protocol); WSASetEvent(this->privateData->socketEvents[1]); } void NetworkClient::SetOwner(NetworkSession* owner) { this->privateData->owner = owner; } void NetworkClient::SetMessagePump( NetworkClient::ClientEventFunction func ) { if( func ) { this->OnRecieve = func; } else { this->OnRecieve = OnRecieve_Default; } } bool NetworkClient::IsConnected() { if(!this->privateData) return false; return privateData->connection.IsConnected(); } int NetworkClient::GetID() const { return this->privateData->ID; } void NetworkClient::DataRecieved(NetEvent e) { if(this->privateData->owner) { this->privateData->owner->ClientEventCallback(e); } else { this->OnRecieve( e ); } } std::string NetworkClient::GetIpAddress() { return this->privateData->connection.GetIpAddress(); } void NetworkClient::OutputEventData(bool output) { this->privateData->outputEvent; } bool NetworkClient::StartListeningForBroadcasting(unsigned short port) { //Create privateData if it doesn't exists. if(this->privateData == NULL) { privateData = new PrivateData; } //Initiate broadcasting only if it's not started. if(!this->privateData->broadcastingStarted) { //Create UDP connection int result = this->privateData->broadcastConnection.InitiateBroadcastClient(port); if(result) { return false; } //Create event for closing the thread. this->privateData->broadcastShutdownEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, true, false, NULL); if(this->privateData->broadcastShutdownEvent == NULL) { this->privateData->broadcastConnection.Disconnect(); return false; } //Creating event for broadcast messages on the UDP connection. this->privateData->broadcastEvent = WSACreateEvent(); if(this->privateData->broadcastEvent == WSA_INVALID_EVENT) { this->privateData->broadcastConnection.Disconnect(); CloseHandle(this->privateData->broadcastShutdownEvent); return false; } //Set the event for only Receiving. if(WSAEventSelect(this->privateData->broadcastConnection.GetSocket(), this->privateData->broadcastEvent, FD_READ) == SOCKET_ERROR) { this->privateData->broadcastConnection.Disconnect(); CloseHandle(this->privateData->broadcastShutdownEvent); WSACloseEvent(this->privateData->broadcastEvent); return false; } //Start thread receiving broadcast messages. this->privateData->broadcastThread = thread(&PrivateData::BroadcastThread, this->privateData); if(!this->privateData->broadcastThread.joinable()) { this->privateData->broadcastConnection.Disconnect(); CloseHandle(this->privateData->broadcastShutdownEvent); WSACloseEvent(this->privateData->broadcastEvent); return false; } this->privateData->broadcastingStarted = true; } return true; } void NetworkClient::StopListeningForBroadcasting() { if(this->privateData) { if(this->privateData->broadcastingStarted) { //Tell the thread to shutdown WSASetEvent(this->privateData->broadcastShutdownEvent); //Wait for thread this->privateData->broadcastThread.join(); WSACloseEvent(this->privateData->broadcastEvent); CloseHandle(this->privateData->broadcastShutdownEvent); this->privateData->broadcastConnection.Disconnect(); this->privateData->broadcastingStarted = false; } } }