124 lines
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124 lines
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// Created by Dan Andersson 2013
#include "OysterMath.h"
#include "OysterCollision3D.h"
#include "OysterPhysics3D.h"
namespace Oyster { namespace Physics3D
struct RigidBody
{ /// A struct of a simple rigid body.
::Oyster::Collision3D::Box box; /** Contains data representing physical presence. (worldValue) */
::Oyster::Math::Float3 angularMomentum, /** The angular momentum H (Nm*s) around an parallell axis. (worldValue) */
linearMomentum, /** The linear momentum G (kg*m/s). (worldValue) */
impulseTorqueSum, /** The impulse torque T (Nm) that will be consumed each update. (worldValue) */
impulseForceSum; /** The impulse force F (N) that will be consumed each update. (worldValue) */
RigidBody( const ::Oyster::Collision3D::Box &box = ::Oyster::Collision3D::Box(), ::Oyster::Math::Float mass = 1.0f );
RigidBody & operator = ( const RigidBody &body );
void Update_LeapFrog( ::Oyster::Math::Float deltaTime );
void ApplyImpulseForce( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldF );
void ApplyImpulseForceAt( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldF, const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos );
void ApplyLinearImpulseAcceleration( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldA );
void ApplyLinearImpulseAccelerationAt( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldA, const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos );
void ApplyImpulseTorque( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldT );
void ApplyAngularImpulseAcceleration( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldA );
// ACCESS METHODS /////////////////////////////
::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 & AccessOrientation();
const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 & AccessOrientation() const;
::Oyster::Math::Float3 & AccessBoundingReach();
const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 & AccessBoundingReach() const;
::Oyster::Math::Float3 & AccessCenter();
const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 & AccessCenter() const;
// GET METHODS ////////////////////////////////
const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 & GetMomentOfInertia() const;
const ::Oyster::Math::Float & GetMass() const;
const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 & GetOrientation() const;
::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 GetView() const;
const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 & GetToWorldMatrix() const;
::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 GetToLocalMatrix() const;
const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 & GetBoundingReach() const;
::Oyster::Math::Float3 GetSize() const;
const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 & GetCenter() const;
const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 & GetImpulsTorque() const;
const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 & GetAngularMomentum() const;
::Oyster::Math::Float3 GetAngularImpulseAcceleration() const;
::Oyster::Math::Float3 GetAngularVelocity() const;
const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 & GetImpulseForce() const;
const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 & GetLinearMomentum() const;
::Oyster::Math::Float3 GetLinearImpulseAcceleration() const;
::Oyster::Math::Float3 GetLinearVelocity() const;
::Oyster::Math::Float3 GetTangentialImpulseForceAt( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos ) const;
::Oyster::Math::Float3 GetTangentialLinearMomentumAt( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos ) const;
::Oyster::Math::Float3 GetTangentialImpulseAccelerationAt( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos ) const;
::Oyster::Math::Float3 GetTangentialLinearVelocityAt( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos ) const;
::Oyster::Math::Float3 GetImpulseForceAt( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos ) const;
::Oyster::Math::Float3 GetLinearMomentumAt( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos ) const;
::Oyster::Math::Float3 GetImpulseAccelerationAt( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos ) const;
::Oyster::Math::Float3 GetLinearVelocityAt( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos ) const;
// SET METHODS ////////////////////////////////
void SetMomentOfInertia( const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &localI );
void SetMass_KeepVelocity( const ::Oyster::Math::Float &m );
void SetMass_KeepMomentum( const ::Oyster::Math::Float &m );
void SetOrientation( const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &o );
void SetSize( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &widthHeight );
void SetCenter( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos );
void SetImpulseTorque( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldT );
void SetAngularMomentum( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldH );
void SetAngularImpulseAcceleration( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldA );
void SetAngularVelocity( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldW );
void SetImpulseForce( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldF );
void SetLinearMomentum( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldG );
void SetLinearImpulseAcceleration( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldA );
void SetLinearVelocity( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldV );
void SetImpulseForceAt( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldF, const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos );
void SetLinearMomentumAt( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldG, const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos );
void SetImpulseAccelerationAt( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldA, const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos );
void SetLinearVelocityAt( const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldV, const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &worldPos );
::Oyster::Math::Float mass; /** m (kg) */
::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 momentOfInertiaTensor; /** I (Nm*s) Tensor matrix ( only need to be 3x3 matrix, but is 4x4 for future hardware acceleration ) (localValue) */
// INLINE IMPLEMENTATIONS ///////////////////////////////////////
inline const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 & RigidBody::GetToWorldMatrix() const
return this->GetOrientation();
inline ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 RigidBody::GetToLocalMatrix() const
return this->GetView();
} }