
129 lines
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//Created by Erik and Linda of the GameLogic team
#ifndef PLAYER_H
#define PLAYER_H
#include "GameLogicStates.h"
#include "OysterMath.h"
#include "DynamicObject.h"
#include "DynamicArray.h"
const float MAX_HP = 100.0f;
const float BASIC_SPEED = 30.0f * 0.2f;
namespace GameLogic
class Weapon;
class Player : public DynamicObject
struct PlayerStats
Oyster::Math::Float hp;
Oyster::Math::Float movementSpeed;
//Oyster::Math::Float resistance;
struct PlayerScore
int killScore;
int deathScore;
// int assistScore;
// int suicideScore;
Player(Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *rigidBody, void (*EventOnCollision)(Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *proto,Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *deuter,Oyster::Math::Float kineticEnergyLoss), ObjectSpecialType type, int objectID, int teamID);
Player(Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *rigidBody, Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody::SubscriptMessage (*EventOnCollision)(Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *proto,Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *deuter,Oyster::Math::Float kineticEnergyLoss), ObjectSpecialType type, int objectID, int teamID);
* Moves the player based on input
* @param movement: enum value on what kind of action is to be taken
void Move(const PLAYER_MOVEMENT &movement);
void MoveForward();
void MoveBackwards();
void MoveRight();
void MoveLeft();
* Uses the weapon based on input
* @param fireInput: enum value on what kind of action is to be taken
void UseWeapon(const WEAPON_FIRE &usage);
* Respawns the player, this resets several stats and settings on the player
* @param spawnPoint: the coordinate in the world where the player is to spawn
void Respawn(Oyster::Math::Float3 spawnPoint);
void SetLookDir(const Oyster::Math3D::Float3& lookDir);
void TurnLeft(Oyster::Math3D::Float deltaRadians);
* Collision function for player, this is to be sent to physics through the subscribe function with the rigidbody
* Will be called when the physics detect a collision
* @param rigidBodyPlayer: physics object of the player
* @param obj: physics object for the object that collided with the player
static void PlayerCollision(Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *objA, Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *objB, Oyster::Math::Float kineticEnergyLoss);
bool IsWalking();
bool IsJumping();
bool IsIdle();
void Inactivate();
void ResetPlayer( Oyster::Math::Float3 spawnPos);
Oyster::Math::Float3 GetPosition() const;
Oyster::Math::Float3 GetLookDir() const;
Oyster::Math::Float4x4 GetOrientation() const;
int GetTeamID() const;
PLAYER_STATE GetState() const;
Oyster::Math::Float GetRecentlyAffected();
void DamageLife(int damage);
void setDeathTimer(float deathTimer);
bool deathTimerTick(float dt);
void BeginFrame();
void EndFrame();
static Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody::SubscriptMessage PlayerCollisionAfter(Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *rigidBodyLevel, Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *obj, Oyster::Math::Float kineticEnergyLoss);
void Jump();
void initPlayerData();
int teamID;
Weapon *weapon;
PLAYER_STATE playerState;
Oyster::Math::Float3 lookDir;
float key_forward;
float key_backward;
float key_strafeRight;
float key_strafeLeft;
float key_jump;
Oyster::Math::Float rotationUp;
float deathTimer;
bool hasTakenDamage;
Oyster::Math::Float RecentlyAffected;
PlayerStats playerStats;
PlayerScore playerScore;