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//Created by Erik and Linda of the GameLogic team
#ifndef LEVEL_H
#define LEVEL_H
#include <string>
#include "Player.h"
#include "StaticObject.h"
#include "DynamicObject.h"
#include "GameMode.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "PhysicsAPI.h"
#include "TeamManager.h"
#include "DynamicArray.h"
namespace GameLogic
class Level
* Initiates a level for players to play on
* @param levelPath: Path to a file that contains all information on the level
void InitiateLevel(std::string levelPath);
void Level::InitiateLevel(float radius);
* Creates a team in the level
* @param teamSize: The size of the team you want to create
void CreateTeam(int teamSize);
* Adds a player to a team
* @param player: The player you want to add to the team
* @param teamID: ArrayPos of the team you want to add the player to
void AddPlayerToTeam(Player *player, int teamID);
* Respawns a player on a random teammate
* @param player: The player you want to respawn
void RespawnPlayer(Player *player);
TeamManager teamManager;
Utility::DynamicMemory::DynamicArray<Utility::DynamicMemory::SmartPointer<StaticObject>> staticObjects;
Utility::DynamicMemory::DynamicArray<Utility::DynamicMemory::SmartPointer<DynamicObject>> dynamicObjects;
GameMode gameMode;
Utility::DynamicMemory::SmartPointer<Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody> rigidBodyLevel;