
566 lines
18 KiB

#include "PhysicsAPI_Impl.h"
#include "OysterPhysics3D.h"
#include "SimpleRigidBody.h"
#include "SphericalRigidBody.h"
using namespace ::Oyster;
using namespace ::Oyster::Physics;
using namespace ::Oyster::Math;
using namespace ::Oyster::Collision3D;
using namespace ::Utility::DynamicMemory;
using namespace ::Utility::Value;
API_Impl API_instance;
/*void OnPossibleCollision( Octree& worldScene, unsigned int protoTempRef, unsigned int deuterTempRef )
auto proto = worldScene.GetCustomBody( protoTempRef );
auto deuter = worldScene.GetCustomBody( deuterTempRef );
Float4 worldPointOfContact;
if( proto->Intersects(*deuter, worldPointOfContact) )
// Apply CollisionResponse in pure gather pattern
ICustomBody::State protoState; proto->GetState( protoState );
ICustomBody::State deuterState; deuter->GetState( deuterState );
// calc from perspective of deuter.
Float4 normal = (worldPointOfContact - Float4(deuterState.GetCenterPosition(), 1.0f )); // Init value is only borrowed
//if( normal.Dot(normal) > 0.0f )
deuter->GetNormalAt( worldPointOfContact, normal );
//{ // special case: deuter is completly contained within proto or they have overlapping centers.
// normal = Float4( protoState.GetCenterPosition() - deuterState.GetCenterPosition(), 0.0f );
// if( normal.Dot(normal) == 0.0f )
// { // they have overlapping centers. Rebound at least
// // calculate and store time interpolation value, for later rebound.
// proto->SetTimeOfContact( worldPointOfContact );
// return;
// }
// // borrowing the negated normal of proto.
// proto->GetNormalAt( worldPointOfContact, normal );
// normal = -normal;
Float4 protoG = Float4(protoState.GetLinearMomentum( worldPointOfContact.xyz ), 0),
deuterG = Float4(deuterState.GetLinearMomentum( worldPointOfContact.xyz ), 0);
if( normal != normal ) // debug: trap
const char *breakpoint = "This should never happen";
if( protoG != protoG ) // debug: trap
const char *breakpoint = "This should never happen";
if( deuterG != deuterG ) // debug: trap
const char *breakpoint = "This should never happen";
Float protoG_Magnitude = protoG.Dot( normal ),
deuterG_Magnitude = deuterG.Dot( normal );
// if they are not relatively moving towards eachother, there is no collision
Float deltaPos = normal.Dot( Float4(deuterState.GetCenterPosition(), 1) - Float4(protoState.GetCenterPosition(), 1) );
if( deltaPos < 0.0f )
if( protoG_Magnitude >= deuterG_Magnitude )
else if( deltaPos > 0.0f )
if( protoG_Magnitude <= deuterG_Magnitude )
if( proto->CallSubscription_BeforeCollisionResponse(proto) == ICustomBody::SubscriptMessage_ignore_collision_response )
// PLayerHAck
if( proto->CallSubscription_BeforeCollisionResponse(proto) == ICustomBody::SubscriptMessage_player_collision_response )
//Float3 linearMomentum = protoState.GetLinearMomentum();
//Float3 up = -protoState.GetGravityNormal();
//Float3 upForce = (linearMomentum.Dot(up) * up);
//Float3 noBounceForce = linearMomentum - upForce;
// calculate and store time interpolation value, for later rebound.
proto->SetTimeOfContact( worldPointOfContact );
// bounce
Float4 bounceD = normal * -Formula::CollisionResponse::Bounce( deuterState.GetRestitutionCoeff(),
deuterState.GetMass(), deuterG_Magnitude,
protoState.GetMass(), protoG_Magnitude );
// calc from perspective of proto
normal = (worldPointOfContact - Float4(protoState.GetCenterPosition(), 1.0f )).GetNormalized();
//if( normal.Dot(normal) > 0.0f )
proto->GetNormalAt( worldPointOfContact, normal );
protoG_Magnitude = protoG.Dot( normal );
deuterG_Magnitude = deuterG.Dot( normal );
//{ // special case: proto is completly contained within deuter.
// // borrowing the negated normal of deuter.
// deuter->GetNormalAt( worldPointOfContact, normal );
// normal = -normal;
// protoG_Magnitude = -protoG_Magnitude;
// deuterG_Magnitude = -deuterG_Magnitude;
if( normal != normal ) // debug: trap
const char *breakpoint = "This should never happen";
// bounce
Float4 bounceP = normal * Formula::CollisionResponse::Bounce( protoState.GetRestitutionCoeff(),
protoState.GetMass(), protoG_Magnitude,
deuterState.GetMass(), deuterG_Magnitude );
Float4 bounce = Average( bounceD, bounceP );
Float4 friction = Formula::CollisionResponse::Friction( protoG_Magnitude, normal,
Float4(protoState.GetLinearMomentum(), 0), protoState.GetFrictionCoeff_Static(), protoState.GetFrictionCoeff_Kinetic(), protoState.GetMass(),
Float4(deuterState.GetLinearMomentum(), 0), deuterState.GetFrictionCoeff_Static(), deuterState.GetFrictionCoeff_Kinetic(), deuterState.GetMass());
if(protoState.GetMass() == 70)
const char* breakPoint = "here";
Float kineticEnergyPBefore = Oyster::Physics3D::Formula::LinearKineticEnergy( protoState.GetMass(), protoState.GetLinearMomentum()/protoState.GetMass() );
protoState.ApplyImpulse( bounce.xyz, worldPointOfContact.xyz, normal.xyz );
proto->SetState( protoState );
Float kineticEnergyPAFter = Oyster::Physics3D::Formula::LinearKineticEnergy( protoState.GetMass(), (protoState.GetLinearMomentum() + protoState.GetLinearImpulse())/protoState.GetMass() );
proto->CallSubscription_AfterCollisionResponse( deuter, kineticEnergyPBefore - kineticEnergyPAFter );
void OnPossibleCollision( Octree& worldScene, unsigned int protoTempRef, unsigned int deuterTempRef )
auto proto = worldScene.GetCustomBody( protoTempRef );
auto deuter = worldScene.GetCustomBody( deuterTempRef );
Float4 worldPointOfContact;
if( proto->Intersects(*deuter, worldPointOfContact) )
// Apply CollisionResponse in pure gather pattern
ICustomBody::State protoState; proto->GetState( protoState );
ICustomBody::State deuterState; deuter->GetState( deuterState );
Float4 normal = deuter->GetNormalAt(worldPointOfContact);
if(normal == Float4::null)
normal = Float4(deuterState.GetCenterPosition(), 1) - Float4(protoState.GetCenterPosition(), 1);
Float4 protoG = Float4(protoState.GetLinearMomentum( worldPointOfContact.xyz ), 0),
deuterG = Float4(deuterState.GetLinearMomentum( worldPointOfContact.xyz ), 0);
Float protoG_Magnitude = protoG.Dot( normal ),
deuterG_Magnitude = deuterG.Dot( normal );
// If true the object is inside the world
if(worldPointOfContact.GetLength() < 600 && protoState.GetCenterPosition().GetLength() != 0)
Float overlap = 600 - worldPointOfContact.GetLength();
Float3 newPos = overlap*worldPointOfContact.GetNormalized();
protoState.SetCenterPosition(protoState.GetCenterPosition() + newPos);
protoState.SetLinearMomentum(Float3(0, 0, 0));
// If they are not relatively moving towards eachother, there is no collision
Float deltaPos = normal.Dot( Float4(deuterState.GetCenterPosition(), 1) - Float4(protoState.GetCenterPosition(), 1) );
if( deltaPos < 0.0f )
if( protoG_Magnitude >= deuterG_Magnitude )
else if( deltaPos > 0.0f )
if( protoG_Magnitude <= deuterG_Magnitude )
// Proto
normal = -proto->GetNormalAt(worldPointOfContact);
if(normal == Float4::null)
normal = Float4(protoState.GetCenterPosition(), 1) - Float4(deuterState.GetCenterPosition(), 1);
// Calculate and apply friction to rigid body
Float4 friction = Formula::CollisionResponse::Friction( protoG_Magnitude, normal,
Float4(protoState.GetLinearMomentum(), 0), protoState.GetFrictionCoeff_Static(), protoState.GetFrictionCoeff_Kinetic(), protoState.GetMass(),
Float4(deuterState.GetLinearMomentum(), 0), deuterState.GetFrictionCoeff_Static(), deuterState.GetFrictionCoeff_Kinetic(), deuterState.GetMass());
//protoState.ApplyFriction( -friction.xyz );
// If no other collision response is wanted then this will stop the bounce
if( proto->CallSubscription_BeforeCollisionResponse(proto) == ICustomBody::SubscriptMessage_ignore_collision_response )
// Calaculate bounce
Float4 bounce = normal * Formula::CollisionResponse::Bounce( protoState.GetRestitutionCoeff(),
protoState.GetMass(), protoG_Magnitude,
deuterState.GetMass(), deuterG_Magnitude );
// If bounce is not big enough to matter, set to 0
if( abs(bounce.x) < 0.001 )
bounce.x = 0;
if( abs(bounce.y) < 0.001 )
bounce.y = 0;
if( abs(bounce.z) < 0.001 )
bounce.z = 0;
if( bounce != bounce)
const char* breakpoint = "STOP";
// Calculate kinetic energy before impulse is applied
Float kineticEnergyBefore = Oyster::Physics3D::Formula::LinearKineticEnergy( protoState.GetMass(), protoState.GetLinearMomentum()/protoState.GetMass() );
// Apply the bounce as impulse
protoState.ApplyImpulse( bounce.xyz, worldPointOfContact.xyz, normal.xyz );
proto->SetState( protoState );
// Calculate kinetic energy after impulse is applied
Float kineticEnergyAfter = Oyster::Physics3D::Formula::LinearKineticEnergy( protoState.GetMass(), (protoState.GetLinearMomentum() + protoState.GetLinearImpulse())/protoState.GetMass() );
// Call a collision function with kinetic energy loss
proto->CallSubscription_AfterCollisionResponse( deuter, kineticEnergyBefore - kineticEnergyAfter );
API & API::Instance()
return API_instance;
this->gravityConstant = Constant::gravity_constant;
this->epsilon = Constant::epsilon;
this->updateFrameLength = 1.0f / 120.0f;
this->destructionAction = Default::EventAction_Destruction;
this->gravity = ::std::vector<Gravity>();
this->worldScene = Octree();
API_Impl::~API_Impl() {}
void API_Impl::Init( unsigned int numObjects, unsigned int numGravityWells , const Float3 &worldSize )
unsigned char numLayers = 4; //!< @todo TODO: calc numLayers from worldSize
this->gravity.resize( 0 );
this->gravity.reserve( numGravityWells );
this->worldScene = Octree( numObjects, numLayers, worldSize );
void API_Impl::SetFrameTimeLength( float deltaTime )
this->updateFrameLength = deltaTime;
void API_Impl::SetGravityConstant( float g )
this->gravityConstant = g;
void API_Impl::SetEpsilon( float e )
this->epsilon = e;
void API_Impl::SetSubscription( API::EventAction_Destruction functionPointer )
if( functionPointer )
this->destructionAction = functionPointer;
this->destructionAction = Default::EventAction_Destruction;
float API_Impl::GetFrameTimeLength() const
return this->updateFrameLength;
void API_Impl::Update()
ICustomBody::State state;
::std::vector<ICustomBody*> updateList;
// Fetch objects in universe
this->worldScene.Sample( Universe(), updateList );
// Change momentum for all rigid bodies
for( int i = 0; i < updateList.size(); i++ )
ICustomBody* proto = updateList[i];
// Step 1: Apply gravity to rigid body
Float4 gravityImpulse = Float4::null;
proto->GetState( state );
Float4 deltaPosGrav = Float4( this->gravity[0].well.position, 1.0f ) - Float4( state.GetCenterPosition(), 1.0f );
Float rSquared = deltaPosGrav.Dot( deltaPosGrav );
if( rSquared != 0.0 )
Float force = 9.82*10;
gravityImpulse += (this->updateFrameLength*force)*deltaPosGrav.GetNormalized();
Float posLength = state.GetCenterPosition().GetLength();
if( gravityImpulse != Float4::null && posLength - 601 > state.GetReach().GetLength() )
state.ApplyLinearImpulse( gravityImpulse.xyz );
state.SetGravityNormal( gravityImpulse.GetNormalized().xyz );
proto->SetState( state );
// Step 2: Step through octree and apply collision responses to rigid body
this->worldScene.Visit( proto, OnPossibleCollision );
// Go through all rigid bodies and move them according to their momentums
for( int i = 0; i < updateList.size(); i++ )
auto proto = updateList[i];
switch( proto->Update(this->updateFrameLength) )
case UpdateState_altered:
// Moves the container in the octree to the new rigid body position
this->worldScene.SetAsAltered( this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf(proto) );
case UpdateState_resting:
bool API_Impl::IsInLimbo( const ICustomBody* objRef )
return this->worldScene.IsInLimbo( objRef );
void API_Impl::MoveToLimbo( const ICustomBody* objRef )
this->worldScene.MoveToLimbo( objRef );
void API_Impl::ReleaseFromLimbo( const ICustomBody* objRef )
this->worldScene.ReleaseFromLimbo( objRef );
void API_Impl::AddObject( ::Utility::DynamicMemory::UniquePointer<ICustomBody> handle )
this->worldScene.AddObject( handle );
UniquePointer<ICustomBody> API_Impl::ExtractObject( const ICustomBody* objRef )
return this->worldScene.Extract( objRef );
void API_Impl::DestroyObject( const ICustomBody* objRef )
UniquePointer<ICustomBody> object = this->worldScene.Extract( objRef );
if( object )
this->destructionAction( object );
void API_Impl::AddGravity( const API::Gravity &g )
this->gravity.push_back( g );
void API_Impl::RemoveGravity( const API::Gravity &g )
for( ::std::vector<Gravity>::size_type i = this->gravity.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
if( g == this->gravity[i] )
int end = this->gravity.size() - 1;
this->gravity[i] = this->gravity[end];
this->gravity.resize( end );
void API_Impl::ApplyEffect( const Oyster::Collision3D::ICollideable& collideable, void* args, void(hitAction)(ICustomBody*, void*) )
this->worldScene.Visit(collideable, args, hitAction);
//void API_Impl::ApplyForceAt( const ICustomBody* objRef, const Float3 &worldPos, const Float3 &worldF )
// unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef );
// if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref )
// {
// //this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->Apply //!< @todo TODO: need function
// this->worldScene.SetAsAltered( tempRef );
// }
//void API_Impl::SetMomentOfInertiaTensor_KeepVelocity( const ICustomBody* objRef, const Float4x4 &localI )
//{ // deprecated
// unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef );
// if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref )
// {
// this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->SetMomentOfInertiaTensor_KeepVelocity( localI );
// }
//void API_Impl::SetMomentOfInertiaTensor_KeepMomentum( const ICustomBody* objRef, const Float4x4 &localI )
//{ // deprecated
// unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef );
// if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref )
// {
// this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->SetMomentOfInertiaTensor_KeepMomentum( localI );
// }
//void API_Impl::SetMass_KeepVelocity( const ICustomBody* objRef, Float m )
//{ // deprecated
// unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef );
// if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref )
// {
// this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->SetMass_KeepVelocity( m );
// }
//void API_Impl::SetMass_KeepMomentum( const ICustomBody* objRef, Float m )
//{ // deprecated
// unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef );
// if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref )
// {
// this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->SetMass_KeepMomentum( m );
// }
//void API_Impl::SetCenter( const ICustomBody* objRef, const Float3 &worldPos )
// unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef );
// if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref )
// {
// //this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->Set //!< @todo TODO: need function
// this->worldScene.EvaluatePosition( tempRef );
// }
//void API_Impl::SetRotation( const ICustomBody* objRef, const Float4x4 &rotation )
// unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef );
// if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref )
// {
// this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->SetRotation( rotation );
// this->worldScene.EvaluatePosition( tempRef );
// }
//void API_Impl::SetOrientation( const ICustomBody* objRef, const Float4x4 &orientation )
// unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef );
// if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref )
// {
// this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->SetOrientation( orientation );
// this->worldScene.EvaluatePosition( tempRef );
// }
//void API_Impl::SetSize( const ICustomBody* objRef, const Float3 &size )
// unsigned int tempRef = this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf( objRef );
// if( tempRef != this->worldScene.invalid_ref )
// {
// this->worldScene.GetCustomBody( tempRef )->SetSize( size );
// this->worldScene.EvaluatePosition( tempRef );
// }
UniquePointer<ICustomBody> API_Impl::CreateRigidBody( const API::SimpleBodyDescription &desc ) const
return new SimpleRigidBody( desc );
UniquePointer<ICustomBody> API_Impl::CreateRigidBody( const API::SphericalBodyDescription &desc ) const
return new SphericalRigidBody( desc );
namespace Oyster { namespace Physics
namespace Default
void EventAction_Destruction( ::Utility::DynamicMemory::UniquePointer<::Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody> proto )
{ /* Do nothing except allowing the proto uniquePointer destroy itself. */ }
::Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody::SubscriptMessage EventAction_BeforeCollisionResponse( const ::Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *proto, const ::Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *deuter )
{ /* Do nothing except returning business as usual. */
return ::Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody::SubscriptMessage_none;
void EventAction_AfterCollisionResponse( const ::Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *proto, const ::Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *deuter, ::Oyster::Math::Float kineticEnergyLoss )
{ /* Do nothing except returning business as usual. */
void EventAction_Move( const ::Oyster::Physics::ICustomBody *object )
{ /* Do nothing. */ }
} }