
182 lines
4.2 KiB
Raw Blame History

// Created by Sam Svensson 2013 //
#include "ParseFunctions.h"
#include "Loader.h"
#include <string>
using namespace GameLogic::LevelFileLoader;
using namespace GameLogic;
using namespace std;
namespace GameLogic
namespace LevelFileLoader
//can parse any struct if the struct doesnt contain strings or char[]
void ParseObject(char* buffer, void *header, int size)
memcpy(header, buffer, size);
void ParseObject(char* buffer, ObjectHeader& header, int& size, bool loadCgf)
char tempName[128];
unsigned int tempSize = 0;
int start = 0;
memcpy(&header.typeID, &buffer[start], 4);
start += 4;
memcpy(&header.specialTypeID, &buffer[start], 4);
start += 4;
memcpy(&tempSize, &buffer[start], 4);
start += 4;
memcpy(&tempName, &buffer[start], tempSize);
header.ModelFile.assign(&tempName[0], &tempName[tempSize]);
start += tempSize;
//The reset of the object struct
//3 float[3], 1 float
memcpy(&header.position, &buffer[start], 40);
start += 40;
//if loadCgf : Read path for bounding volume
ParseBoundingVolume(&buffer[start], header.boundingVolume, start);
//else make sure the counter counts the name so we can jump over the string in the buffer.
memcpy(&tempSize, &buffer[start], 4);
start += 4;
memcpy(&tempName, &buffer[start], tempSize);
string fileName;
fileName.assign(&tempName[0], &tempName[tempSize]);
start += tempSize;
size += start;
void ParseLevelMetaData(char* buffer, LevelMetaData &header, int &size)
int start = 0;
unsigned int tempSize;
char tempName[128];
memcpy(&header.typeID, &buffer[start], 4);
start += 4;
memcpy(&tempSize , &buffer[start], 4);
start += 4;
memcpy(&tempName, &buffer[start], tempSize);
header.levelName.assign(&tempName[0], &tempName[tempSize]);
start += tempSize;
memcpy(&header.levelVersion, &buffer[start], 4);
start += 4;
memcpy(&tempSize, &buffer[start], 4);
start +=4;
memcpy(&tempName, &buffer[start], tempSize);
header.levelDescription.assign(&tempName[0], &tempName[tempSize]);
start += tempSize;
memcpy(&tempSize, &buffer[start], 4);
start += 4;
memcpy(&tempName, &buffer[start], tempSize);
header.levelAuthor.assign(&tempName[0], &tempName[tempSize]);
start += tempSize;
memcpy(&header.maxNumberOfPlayer, &buffer[start], 4);
start += 4;
memcpy(&header.worldSize, &buffer[start], 4);
start += 4;
memcpy(&tempSize, &buffer[start], 4);
start += 4;
memcpy(&tempName, &buffer[start], tempSize);
header.overviewPicturePath.assign(&tempName[0], &tempName[tempSize]);
start += tempSize;
memcpy(&tempSize, &buffer[start], 4);
start += 4;
int temp;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)tempSize; i++)
memcpy(&temp, &buffer[start], 4);
start += 4;
size += start;
void ParseBoundingVolume(char* buffer, LevelLoaderInternal::BoundingVolume& volume, int &size)
int start = 0;
int tempSize = 0;
char tempName[128];
memcpy(&tempSize, &buffer[start], 4);
start += 4;
memcpy(&tempName, &buffer[start], tempSize);
string fileName;
fileName.assign(&tempName[0], &tempName[tempSize]);
start += tempSize;
size += start;
//L<>s in filen.
int fileLength = 0;
Loader loader;
char* buf = loader.LoadFile("../Content/Worlds/cgf/"+ fileName, fileLength);
start = 0;
LevelLoaderInternal::FormatVersion version;
memcpy(&version, &buf[0], sizeof(version));
start += 4;
memcpy(&volume.geoType, &buf[start], sizeof(volume.geoType));
start += sizeof(volume.geoType);
case CollisionGeometryType_Box:
memcpy(&volume.box, &buf[start], sizeof(volume.box));
start += sizeof(volume.box);
case CollisionGeometryType_Sphere:
memcpy(&volume.sphere, &buf[start], sizeof(volume.sphere));
start += sizeof(volume.sphere);
case CollisionGeometryType_Cylinder:
memcpy(&volume.cylinder, &buf[start], sizeof(volume.cylinder));
start += sizeof(volume.cylinder);