
659 lines
24 KiB

// Linear Math Vectors
// © Dan Andersson 2013
#pragma once
#include <math.h>
namespace LinearAlgebra
template<typename ElementType>
class Vector2
struct { ElementType x, y; };
ElementType element[2];
char byte[sizeof(ElementType[2])];
static const Vector2<ElementType> null;
static const Vector2<ElementType> standardUnitX;
static const Vector2<ElementType> standardUnitY;
Vector2( );
Vector2( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector );
Vector2( const ElementType &element );
Vector2( const ElementType element[2] );
Vector2( const ElementType &x, const ElementType &y );
~Vector2( );
operator ElementType* ( );
operator const ElementType* ( ) const;
operator char* ( );
operator const char* ( ) const;
ElementType & operator [] ( int i );
const ElementType & operator [] ( int i ) const;
Vector2<ElementType> & operator = ( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector );
Vector2<ElementType> & operator = ( const ElementType element[2] );
Vector2<ElementType> & operator *= ( const ElementType &scalar );
Vector2<ElementType> & operator /= ( const ElementType &scalar );
Vector2<ElementType> & operator += ( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector );
Vector2<ElementType> & operator -= ( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector );
Vector2<ElementType> operator * ( const ElementType &scalar ) const;
Vector2<ElementType> operator / ( const ElementType &scalar ) const;
Vector2<ElementType> operator + ( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector ) const;
Vector2<ElementType> operator - ( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector ) const;
Vector2<ElementType> operator - ( ) const; // unary negation
bool operator == ( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector ) const;
bool operator != ( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector ) const;
ElementType length( ) const;
ElementType dot( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector ) const;
Vector2<ElementType> & normalize( );
Vector2<ElementType> getNormalized( ) const;
template<typename ElementType>
class Vector3
struct { ElementType x, y, z; };
struct { Vector2<ElementType> xy; };
ElementType element[3];
char byte[sizeof(ElementType[3])];
static const Vector3<ElementType> null;
static const Vector3<ElementType> standardUnitX;
static const Vector3<ElementType> standardUnitY;
static const Vector3<ElementType> standardUnitZ;
Vector3( );
Vector3( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector );
Vector3( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector, const ElementType &z );
Vector3( const ElementType &element );
Vector3( const ElementType element[3] );
Vector3( const ElementType &x, const ElementType &y, const ElementType &z );
~Vector3( );
operator ElementType* ();
operator const ElementType* () const;
operator char* ( );
operator const char* ( ) const;
ElementType & operator [] ( int i );
const ElementType & operator [] ( int i ) const;
Vector3<ElementType> & operator = ( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector );
Vector3<ElementType> & operator = ( const ElementType element[3] );
Vector3<ElementType> & operator *= ( const ElementType &scalar );
Vector3<ElementType> & operator /= ( const ElementType &scalar );
Vector3<ElementType> & operator += ( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector );
Vector3<ElementType> & operator -= ( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector );
Vector3<ElementType> operator * ( const ElementType &scalar ) const;
Vector3<ElementType> operator / ( const ElementType &scalar ) const;
Vector3<ElementType> operator + ( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector ) const;
Vector3<ElementType> operator - ( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector ) const;
Vector3<ElementType> operator - ( ) const; // unary negation
bool operator == ( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector ) const;
bool operator != ( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector ) const;
ElementType length( ) const;
ElementType dot( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector ) const;
Vector3<ElementType> cross( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector ) const;
Vector3<ElementType> & normalize( );
Vector3<ElementType> getNormalized( ) const;
template<typename ElementType>
class Vector4
struct { ElementType x, y, z, w; };
struct { Vector2<ElementType> xy; };
struct { Vector3<ElementType> xyz; };
ElementType element[4];
char byte[sizeof(ElementType[4])];
static const Vector4<ElementType> null;
static const Vector4<ElementType> standardUnitX;
static const Vector4<ElementType> standardUnitY;
static const Vector4<ElementType> standardUnitZ;
static const Vector4<ElementType> standardUnitW;
Vector4( );
Vector4( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector );
Vector4( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector, const ElementType &w );
Vector4( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector, const ElementType &z, const ElementType &w );
Vector4( const ElementType &element );
Vector4( const ElementType element[4] );
Vector4( const ElementType &x, const ElementType &y, const ElementType &z, const ElementType &w );
~Vector4( );
operator ElementType* ();
operator const ElementType* () const;
operator char* ( );
operator const char* ( ) const;
ElementType & operator [] ( int i );
const ElementType & operator [] ( int i ) const;
Vector4<ElementType> & operator = ( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector );
Vector4<ElementType> & operator = ( const ElementType element[4] );
Vector4<ElementType> & operator *= ( const ElementType &scalar );
Vector4<ElementType> & operator /= ( const ElementType &scalar );
Vector4<ElementType> & operator += ( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector );
Vector4<ElementType> & operator -= ( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector );
Vector4<ElementType> operator * ( const ElementType &scalar ) const;
Vector4<ElementType> operator / ( const ElementType &scalar ) const;
Vector4<ElementType> operator + ( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector ) const;
Vector4<ElementType> operator - ( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector ) const;
Vector4<ElementType> operator - ( ) const; // unary negation
bool operator == ( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector ) const;
bool operator != ( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector ) const;
ElementType length( ) const;
ElementType dot( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector ) const;
Vector4<ElementType> & normalize( );
Vector4<ElementType> getNormalized( ) const;
// Body
// Vector2<ElementType> ///////////////////////////////////////
template<typename ElementType> const Vector2<ElementType> Vector2<ElementType>::null = Vector2<ElementType>( );
template<typename ElementType> const Vector2<ElementType> Vector2<ElementType>::standardUnitX = Vector2<ElementType>( 1, 0 );
template<typename ElementType> const Vector2<ElementType> Vector2<ElementType>::standardUnitY = Vector2<ElementType>( 0, 1 );
template<typename ElementType>
Vector2<ElementType>::Vector2( ) : x(0), y(0) {}
template<typename ElementType>
Vector2<ElementType>::Vector2( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector ) : x(vector.x), y(vector.y)
{ this->x = vector.x; this->y = vector.y; }
template<typename ElementType>
Vector2<ElementType>::Vector2( const ElementType &_element ) : x(_element), y(_element)
{ this->x = this->y = _element; }
template<typename ElementType>
Vector2<ElementType>::Vector2( const ElementType _element[2] ) : x(_element[0]), y(_element[1]) {}
template<typename ElementType>
Vector2<ElementType>::Vector2( const ElementType &_x, const ElementType &_y ) : x(_x), y(_y) {}
template<typename ElementType>
Vector2<ElementType>::~Vector2( ) { /* Nothing that needs to be done */ }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector2<ElementType>::operator ElementType* ()
{ return this->element; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector2<ElementType>::operator const ElementType* () const
{ return this->element; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector2<ElementType>::operator char* ( )
{ return this->byte; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector2<ElementType>::operator const char* ( ) const
{ return this->byte; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline ElementType & Vector2<ElementType>::operator [] ( int i )
{ return this->element[i]; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline const ElementType & Vector2<ElementType>::operator [] ( int i ) const
{ return this->element[i]; }
template<typename ElementType>
Vector2<ElementType> & Vector2<ElementType>::operator = ( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector )
this->element[0] = vector.element[0];
this->element[1] = vector.element[1];
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector2<ElementType> & Vector2<ElementType>::operator = ( const ElementType _element[2] )
this->element[0] = _element[0];
this->element[1] = _element[1];
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector2<ElementType> & Vector2<ElementType>::operator *= ( const ElementType &scalar )
this->element[0] *= scalar;
this->element[1] *= scalar;
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector2<ElementType> & Vector2<ElementType>::operator /= ( const ElementType &scalar )
this->element[0] /= scalar;
this->element[1] /= scalar;
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector2<ElementType> & Vector2<ElementType>::operator += ( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector )
this->element[0] += vector.element[0];
this->element[1] += vector.element[1];
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector2<ElementType> & Vector2<ElementType>::operator -= ( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector )
this->element[0] -= vector.element[0];
this->element[1] -= vector.element[1];
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector2<ElementType> Vector2<ElementType>::operator * ( const ElementType &scalar ) const
{ return Vector2<ElementType>(*this) *= scalar; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector2<ElementType> Vector2<ElementType>::operator / ( const ElementType &scalar ) const
{ return Vector2<ElementType>(*this) /= scalar; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector2<ElementType> Vector2<ElementType>::operator + ( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector ) const
{ return Vector2<ElementType>(*this) += vector; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector2<ElementType> Vector2<ElementType>::operator - ( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector ) const
{ return Vector2<ElementType>(*this) -= vector; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector2<ElementType> Vector2<ElementType>::operator - ( ) const
{ return Vector2<ElementType>(-this->x, -this->y); }
template<typename ElementType>
bool Vector2<ElementType>::operator == ( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector ) const
if( this->x != vector.x ) return false;
if( this->y != vector.y ) return false;
return true;
template<typename ElementType>
bool Vector2<ElementType>::operator != ( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector ) const
if( this->x != vector.x ) return true;
if( this->y != vector.y ) return true;
return false;
template<typename ElementType>
inline ElementType Vector2<ElementType>::length( ) const
{ return (ElementType) ::sqrt( this->dot(*this) ); }
template<typename ElementType>
ElementType Vector2<ElementType>::dot( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector ) const
ElementType value = 0;
value += this->element[0] * vector.element[0];
value += this->element[1] * vector.element[1];
return value;
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector2<ElementType> & Vector2<ElementType>::normalize( )
{ return (*this) /= this->length(); }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector2<ElementType> Vector2<ElementType>::getNormalized( ) const
{ return Vector2<ElementType>(*this).normalize(); }
// Vector3<ElementType> ///////////////////////////////////////
template<typename ElementType> const Vector3<ElementType> Vector3<ElementType>::null = Vector3<ElementType>( );
template<typename ElementType> const Vector3<ElementType> Vector3<ElementType>::standardUnitX = Vector3<ElementType>( 1, 0, 0 );
template<typename ElementType> const Vector3<ElementType> Vector3<ElementType>::standardUnitY = Vector3<ElementType>( 0, 1, 0 );
template<typename ElementType> const Vector3<ElementType> Vector3<ElementType>::standardUnitZ = Vector3<ElementType>( 0, 0, 1 );
template<typename ElementType>
Vector3<ElementType>::Vector3( ) : x(0), y(0), z(0) {}
template<typename ElementType>
Vector3<ElementType>::Vector3( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector ) : x(vector.x), y(vector.y), z(vector.z)
{ this->x = vector.x; this->y = vector.y; this->z = vector.z; }
template<typename ElementType>
Vector3<ElementType>::Vector3( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector, const ElementType &_z ) : x(vector.x), y(vector.y), z(_z)
{ this->x = vector.x; this->y = vector.y; }
template<typename ElementType>
Vector3<ElementType>::Vector3( const ElementType &_element ) : x(_element), y(_element), z(_element)
{ this->x = this->y = this->z = _element; }
template<typename ElementType>
Vector3<ElementType>::Vector3( const ElementType _element[3] ) : x(_element[0]), y(_element[1]), z(_element[2]) {}
template<typename ElementType>
Vector3<ElementType>::Vector3( const ElementType &_x, const ElementType &_y, const ElementType &_z ) : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z)
{ this->x = _x; this->y = _y; this->z = _z; }
template<typename ElementType>
Vector3<ElementType>::~Vector3( ) { /* Nothing that needs to be done */ }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector3<ElementType>::operator ElementType* ()
{ return this->element; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector3<ElementType>::operator const ElementType* () const
{ return this->element; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline ElementType & Vector3<ElementType>::operator [] ( int i )
{ return this->element[i]; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline const ElementType & Vector3<ElementType>::operator [] ( int i ) const
{ return this->element[i]; }
template<typename ElementType>
Vector3<ElementType> & Vector3<ElementType>::operator = ( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector )
for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
this->element[i] = vector.element[i];
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector3<ElementType> & Vector3<ElementType>::operator = ( const ElementType element[3] )
for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
this->element[i] = element[i];
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector3<ElementType> & Vector3<ElementType>::operator *= ( const ElementType &scalar )
for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
this->element[i] *= scalar;
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector3<ElementType> & Vector3<ElementType>::operator /= ( const ElementType &scalar )
for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
this->element[i] /= scalar;
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector3<ElementType> & Vector3<ElementType>::operator += ( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector )
for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
this->element[i] += vector.element[i];
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector3<ElementType> & Vector3<ElementType>::operator -= ( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector )
for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
this->element[i] -= vector.element[i];
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector3<ElementType> Vector3<ElementType>::operator * ( const ElementType &scalar ) const
{ return Vector3<ElementType>(*this) *= scalar; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector3<ElementType> Vector3<ElementType>::operator / ( const ElementType &scalar ) const
{ return Vector3<ElementType>(*this) /= scalar; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector3<ElementType> Vector3<ElementType>::operator + ( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector ) const
{ return Vector3<ElementType>(*this) += vector; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector3<ElementType> Vector3<ElementType>::operator - ( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector ) const
{ return Vector3<ElementType>(*this) -= vector; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector3<ElementType> Vector3<ElementType>::operator - ( ) const
{ return Vector3<ElementType>(-this->x, -this->y, -this->z); }
template<typename ElementType>
bool Vector3<ElementType>::operator == ( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector ) const
if( this->x != vector.x ) return false;
if( this->y != vector.y ) return false;
if( this->z != vector.z ) return false;
return true;
template<typename ElementType>
bool Vector3<ElementType>::operator != ( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector ) const
if( this->x != vector.x ) return true;
if( this->y != vector.y ) return true;
if( this->z != vector.z ) return true;
return false;
template<typename ElementType>
inline ElementType Vector3<ElementType>::length( ) const
{ return (ElementType) ::sqrt( this->dot(*this) ); }
template<typename ElementType>
ElementType Vector3<ElementType>::dot( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector ) const
ElementType value = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
value += this->element[i] * vector.element[i];
return value;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector3<ElementType> Vector3<ElementType>::cross( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector ) const
return Vector3<ElementType>( (this->y*vector.z) - (this->z*vector.y),
(this->z*vector.x) - (this->x*vector.z),
(this->x*vector.y) - (this->y*vector.x) );
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector3<ElementType> & Vector3<ElementType>::normalize( )
{ return (*this) /= this->length(); }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector3<ElementType> Vector3<ElementType>::getNormalized( ) const
{ return Vector3<ElementType>(*this).normalize(); }
// Vector4<ElementType> ///////////////////////////////////////
template<typename ElementType> const Vector4<ElementType> Vector4<ElementType>::null = Vector4<ElementType>( );
template<typename ElementType> const Vector4<ElementType> Vector4<ElementType>::standardUnitX = Vector4<ElementType>( 1, 0, 0, 0 );
template<typename ElementType> const Vector4<ElementType> Vector4<ElementType>::standardUnitY = Vector4<ElementType>( 0, 1, 0, 0 );
template<typename ElementType> const Vector4<ElementType> Vector4<ElementType>::standardUnitZ = Vector4<ElementType>( 0, 0, 1, 0 );
template<typename ElementType> const Vector4<ElementType> Vector4<ElementType>::standardUnitW = Vector4<ElementType>( 0, 0, 0, 1 );
template<typename ElementType>
Vector4<ElementType>::Vector4( ) : x(0), y(0), z(0), w(0) {}
template<typename ElementType>
Vector4<ElementType>::Vector4( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector ) : x(vector.x), y(vector.y), z(vector.z), w(vector.z)
{ this->x = vector.x; this->y = vector.y; this->z = vector.z; this->w = vector.w; }
template<typename ElementType>
Vector4<ElementType>::Vector4( const Vector3<ElementType> &vector, const ElementType &_w ) : x(vector.x), y(vector.y), z(vector.z), w(_w)
{ this->x = vector.x; this->y = vector.y; this->z = vector.z; }
template<typename ElementType>
Vector4<ElementType>::Vector4( const Vector2<ElementType> &vector, const ElementType &_z, const ElementType &_w ) : x(vector.x), y(vector.y), z(_z), w(_w)
{ this->x = vector.x; this->y = vector.y; this->z = _z; this->w = _w; }
template<typename ElementType>
Vector4<ElementType>::Vector4( const ElementType &_element ) : x(_element), y(_element), z(_element), w(_element)
{ this->x = this->y = this->z = this->w = _element; }
template<typename ElementType>
Vector4<ElementType>::Vector4( const ElementType _element[4] ) : x(_element[0]), y(_element[1]), z(_element[2]), w(_element[3]) {}
template<typename ElementType>
Vector4<ElementType>::Vector4( const ElementType &_x, const ElementType &_y, const ElementType &_z, const ElementType &_w ) : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z), w(_w)
{ this->x = _x; this->y = _y; this->z = _z; this->w = _w; }
template<typename ElementType>
Vector4<ElementType>::~Vector4( ) { /* Nothing that needs to be done */ }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector4<ElementType>::operator ElementType* ()
{ return this->element; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector4<ElementType>::operator const ElementType* () const
{ return this->element; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline ElementType & Vector4<ElementType>::operator [] ( int i )
{ return this->element[i]; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline const ElementType & Vector4<ElementType>::operator [] ( int i ) const
{ return this->element[i]; }
template<typename ElementType>
Vector4<ElementType> & Vector4<ElementType>::operator = ( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector )
for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
this->element[i] = vector.element[i];
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector4<ElementType> & Vector4<ElementType>::operator = ( const ElementType element[4] )
for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
this->element[i] = element[i];
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector4<ElementType> & Vector4<ElementType>::operator *= ( const ElementType &scalar )
for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
this->element[i] *= scalar;
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector4<ElementType> & Vector4<ElementType>::operator /= ( const ElementType &scalar )
for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
this->element[i] /= scalar;
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector4<ElementType> & Vector4<ElementType>::operator += ( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector )
for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
this->element[i] += vector.element[i];
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
Vector4<ElementType> & Vector4<ElementType>::operator -= ( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector )
for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
this->element[i] -= vector.element[i];
return *this;
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector4<ElementType> Vector4<ElementType>::operator * ( const ElementType &scalar ) const
{ return Vector4<ElementType>(*this) *= scalar; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector4<ElementType> Vector4<ElementType>::operator / ( const ElementType &scalar ) const
{ return Vector4<ElementType>(*this) /= scalar; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector4<ElementType> Vector4<ElementType>::operator + ( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector ) const
{ return Vector4<ElementType>(*this) += vector; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector4<ElementType> Vector4<ElementType>::operator - ( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector ) const
{ return Vector4<ElementType>(*this) -= vector; }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector4<ElementType> Vector4<ElementType>::operator - ( ) const
{ return Vector4<ElementType>(-this->x, -this->y, -this->z, -this->w); }
template<typename ElementType>
bool Vector4<ElementType>::operator == ( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector ) const
if( this->x != vector.x ) return false;
if( this->y != vector.y ) return false;
if( this->z != vector.z ) return false;
if( this->w != vector.w ) return false;
return true;
template<typename ElementType>
bool Vector4<ElementType>::operator != ( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector ) const
if( this->x != vector.x ) return true;
if( this->y != vector.y ) return true;
if( this->z != vector.z ) return true;
if( this->w != vector.w ) return true;
return false;
template<typename ElementType>
inline ElementType Vector4<ElementType>::length( ) const
{ return (ElementType) ::sqrt( this->dot(*this) ); }
template<typename ElementType>
ElementType Vector4<ElementType>::dot( const Vector4<ElementType> &vector ) const
ElementType value = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
value += this->element[i] * vector.element[i];
return value;
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector4<ElementType> & Vector4<ElementType>::normalize( )
{ return (*this) /= this->length(); }
template<typename ElementType>
inline Vector4<ElementType> Vector4<ElementType>::getNormalized( ) const
{ return Vector4<ElementType>(*this).normalize(); }