
154 lines
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// Created by Dan Andersson 2013
#include "OysterMath.h"
#include "Bullet.h"
#include "GameLUA.h"
#include "Event.h"
#include "Session.h"
using namespace ::Oyster::Math;
using namespace ::Oyster::Collision;
using namespace ::GameLogic;
namespace PrivateStatic
// note current position is actually at the end of the lineOfEffect
inline void updatePosition( Ray &trail, const Float &distance )
{ trail.origin += trail.direction * distance; }
inline Float3 posAt( const Ray &ray, const Float &distance )
{ return ray.origin + (ray.direction * distance); }
Bullet::BulletCollector::BulletCollector( const Line *_sampler, int capacity )
: EffectCarrier::Collector(capacity), sampler(_sampler), closest(::std::numeric_limits<Float>::max()) {}
Bullet::BulletCollector::~BulletCollector( ) {}
void Bullet::BulletCollector::action( Object *hitObject )
if( this->hitObjects.size() == 0 )
this->closest = this->sampler->ray.collisionDistance;
this->hitObjects.push_back( hitObject );
this->hitPosW.push_back( PrivateStatic::posAt(this->sampler->ray, this->sampler->ray.collisionDistance) );
else if( this->closest > this->sampler->ray.collisionDistance )
this->closest = this->sampler->ray.collisionDistance;
this->hitObjects.push_back( this->hitObjects[0] );
this->hitPosW.push_back( this->hitPosW[0] );
this->hitObjects[0] = hitObject;
this->hitPosW[0] = PrivateStatic::posAt( this->sampler->ray, this->sampler->ray.collisionDistance );
this->hitObjects.push_back( hitObject );
this->hitPosW.push_back( PrivateStatic::posAt(this->sampler->ray, this->sampler->ray.collisionDistance) );
Bullet::Bullet( Player *owner, const Float3 &origin, const Float3 &normalizedDirection, const Float &_speed, Weapon::Type weapon, const Float &lifeTime )
: EffectCarrier(owner, weapon), lineOfEffect(origin, normalizedDirection, _speed), speed(_speed), lifeCountDown(lifeTime), modelID(-1) {}
Bullet::Bullet( const Bullet &bullet ) : EffectCarrier(bullet), lineOfEffect(bullet.lineOfEffect), speed(bullet.speed), lifeCountDown(bullet.lifeCountDown), modelID(bullet.modelID) {}
Bullet::~Bullet( ) {}
Bullet & Bullet::operator = ( const Bullet &bullet )
EffectCarrier::operator=( bullet );
this->lineOfEffect = bullet.lineOfEffect;
this->speed = bullet.speed;
this->lifeCountDown = bullet.lifeCountDown;
this->modelID = bullet.modelID;
return *this;
void Bullet::setDirection( const Float3 &normalizedVector )
{ this->lineOfEffect.ray.direction = normalizedVector; }
void Bullet::setSpeed( const Float &coordLengthPerSecond )
{ this->speed = coordLengthPerSecond; }
void Bullet::setLifeTime( const Float &seconds )
{ this->lifeCountDown = seconds; }
void Bullet::setModelID( int ID )
{ this->modelID = ID; }
Float3 Bullet::getDirection() const
return this->lineOfEffect.ray.direction;
EffectCarrier::State Bullet::update( const Float &deltaTime )
switch( this->state )
case Deployed: this->state = Armed;
default: case Armed:
if( (this->lifeCountDown -= deltaTime) <= 0.0f )
this->state = Dead;
printf("gammal och gaggig\n");
::PrivateStatic::updatePosition( this->lineOfEffect.ray, this->lineOfEffect.length );
this->lineOfEffect.length = this->speed * deltaTime;
case Dead: break;
return this->state;
const ICollideable * Bullet::getVolumeOfEffect( ) const
{ return &this->lineOfEffect; }
EffectCarrier * Bullet::clone( ) const
{ return new Bullet(*this); }
EffectCarrier::Result Bullet::writeToKeyFrame( KeyFrame &buffer ) const
if( buffer.numParticles < (int)::Utility::StaticArray::numElementsOf( buffer.Particle ) )
if( this->modelID >= 0 ) if( this->state != Dead )
buffer.Particle[buffer.numParticles].Head = this->lineOfEffect.ray.origin + (this->lineOfEffect.ray.direction * this->lineOfEffect.length);
buffer.Particle[buffer.numParticles].Tail = this->lineOfEffect.ray.origin;
buffer.Particle[buffer.numParticles].EffectType = this->modelID;
return Success;
return Failure;
EffectCarrier::Result Bullet::writeToNetEffect( Network::EffectData &buffer ) const
if( this->modelID >= 0 ) if( this->state != Dead )
buffer.head = this->lineOfEffect.ray.origin + (this->lineOfEffect.ray.direction * /* this->lineOfEffect.length*/ 500);
buffer.tail = this->lineOfEffect.ray.origin;
buffer.identifier = 0;
return Success;
return Failure;
using ::std::vector;
EffectCarrier::State Bullet::onHit( const vector<Object*> &target, const vector<Float3> &hitPosW )
this->state = Dead;
//target[0]->applyDamage( 10, *this->owner );
//target[0]->applyForceW( this->lineOfEffect.ray.direction * 100.0f, hitPosW[0] );
Player *owner = (Player *)this->owner;
Event::BulletHit *hitEvent = new Event::BulletHit(owner->getPlayerID(), ((Player *)target[0])->getPlayerID()/*, target[0]->getOrientation().v[3].xyz*/);
return EffectCarrier::onHit( target, hitPosW );