
83 lines
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// Created by Dan Andersson 2013
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "Object.h"
#include "Weapon.h"
namespace GameLogic
class Session;
class Player : public Object
friend class Session;
enum State { Vacant, Active, Dead, Limbo };
static const unsigned char noTeam;
Player( );
Player( const Player &player );
Player( const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &orientation, const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &centerOfMass = ::Oyster::Math::Float3::null );
Player( const ::Oyster::Collision::Box &body, const ::Oyster::Math::Float3 &centerOfMass = ::Oyster::Math::Float3::null );
virtual ~Player( );
Player & operator = ( const Player &player );
virtual Object * clone( ) const;
virtual void update( float deltaTime );
virtual void firePrimaryWeapon( );
virtual void fireSecondaryWeapon( );
virtual void fireSpecial( );
virtual void lockTarget( unsigned int objectID );
void setPrimaryWeapon(Weapon::Type weapon);
void setPrimaryWeaponCooldown(float cooldown);
virtual Object::Type getType( ) const;
const ::std::string & getName( ) const;
int getPlayerID( ) const;
unsigned char getTeamID( ) const;
unsigned int getNumKills( ) const;
unsigned int getNumTeamKills( ) const;
unsigned int getNumDeaths( ) const;
Session *getSession( ) const;
unsigned char getHullPoints( ) const;
unsigned char getShieldPoints( ) const;
void setName( const ::std::string &name );
void setPlayerID( int id );
void setTeam( unsigned char teamID );
void setHullPoints( unsigned char value );
void setShieldPoints( unsigned char value );
void resetScores( );
virtual void applyDamage( unsigned char magnitude, Object &attacker );
virtual void applyHeal( unsigned char magnitude );
virtual void onDeath( Object &killer );
virtual void onKill( Object &victim );
// teleports a player to a random unblocked spawnpoint and release from Limbo. Will end up in limbo if unable to find a spawnpoint
void spawn( );
virtual void loadConfig( const InstanceBlueprint &config );
Session *session;
::std::string name;
int playerID;
unsigned int killCount, teamKillCount, deathCount;
const Object *lockedTarget;
unsigned char teamID, hullPoints, shieldPoints, specialID;
Weapon::Type primaryWeapon;
float primaryWeaponCooldown;