
161 lines
3.3 KiB

#pragma once
#include "OysterMath.h"
using Oyster::Math::Float3;
struct KeyFrame
//numobj cap?500
//per object
//id+rotationvec+movevec+ forwardvec+upvec+pos+typeID
//per particle
//per player
//hp, shield, specialAmmo?
int numObjects,numParticles;
struct Player
unsigned char Hp,Shield,Special;
struct Object
unsigned int id, TypeId;
Float3 RotationVec;
Float3 MoveVec;
Oyster::Math::Float4x4 World;
struct Effect
Float3 Head,Tail;
int EffectType;
//return number of bytes from start to send over network
//set numofobjects
void Pack(char * startPointer);
int GetSize();
//unpacks the char array as if it was a compressed keyframe
KeyFrame(char* data);
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "OysterMath.h"
namespace Protocol
class Mesh
Mesh( const ::std::string &objFile = "" );
void setObjFile( const ::std::string &fileName );
const ::std::string & getObjFileName( ) const;
unsigned int getRequiredBufferSize( ) const;
void fillBuffer( void *targetBuffer ) const;
void readFromBuffer( const void *buffer );
::std::string objFile;
class Object
Object( unsigned int meshRef = 0, const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &world = ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4::identity );
void setMeshRef( unsigned int ref );
void setWorldMatrix( const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &matrix );
unsigned int getMeshRef( ) const;
const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 & getWorldMatrix( ) const;
unsigned int getRequiredBufferSize( ) const;
void fillBuffer( void *targetBuffer ) const;
void readFromBuffer( const void *buffer );
unsigned int meshRef;
::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 world;
class MapRenderData
MapRenderData( );
void clear( );
void add( const ::Oyster::Math::Float4x4 &worldMatrix, const ::std::string &objFile );
const ::std::vector<Mesh> & getMeshList( ) const;
const ::std::vector<Object> & getObjectList( ) const;
unsigned int getRequiredBufferSize( ) const;
void fillBuffer( void *targetBuffer ) const;
void readFromBuffer( const void *buffer );
unsigned int requiredBufferSize;
::std::vector<Mesh> mesh;
::std::vector<Object> object;
::std::map<::std::string, unsigned int> index;
class PlayerRenderData
PlayerRenderData( );
void clear( );
void addPlayer( const ::std::string &objFile );
const ::std::vector<Mesh> & getMeshList( ) const;
const ::std::vector<unsigned int> & getPlayerMeshRefList( ) const;
unsigned int getRequiredBufferSize( ) const;
void fillBuffer( void *targetBuffer ) const;
void readFromBuffer( const void *buffer );
unsigned int requiredBufferSize;
::std::vector<Mesh> mesh;
::std::vector<unsigned int> playerMeshRef;
::std::map<::std::string, unsigned int> index;
class RenderData
MapRenderData mapData;
PlayerRenderData playerData;
RenderData( );
inline void RenderData::clear( )
{ this->mapData.clear(); this->playerData.clear(); }
inline unsigned int RenderData::getRequiredBufferSize( ) const
{ return this->mapData.getRequiredBufferSize() + this->playerData.getRequiredBufferSize(); }
void fillBuffer( void *targetBuffer ) const;
void readFromBuffer( const void *buffer );