Collisions work better

Still needs polishing
This commit is contained in:
Robin Engman 2014-02-07 15:38:53 +01:00
parent 1633129a2c
commit ab9f81ac60
8 changed files with 88 additions and 150 deletions

View File

@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ bool GameState::LoadModels(std::wstring mapFile)
C_Object* obj;
translate = Oyster::Math3D::TranslationMatrix(Oyster::Math::Float3(0,0,0)); = translate ;// * translate[0].x = 2;[1].y = 2;[2].z = 2;
modelData.modelPath = L"world_earth.dan"; = id++;
@ -483,7 +486,7 @@ void GameState::Protocol( ObjPos* pos )
up *= 1;
objForward *= -2;

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Game::PlayerData::PlayerData()
//set some stats that are appropriate to a player
Oyster::Physics::API::SimpleBodyDescription sbDesc;
sbDesc.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float3(0,308,0);
sbDesc.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float3(0,608,0);
sbDesc.size = Oyster::Math::Float3(0.5f,2,1);
sbDesc.mass = 70;
sbDesc.restitutionCoeff = 0.5;

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ void Level::InitiateLevel(float radius)
API::SphericalBodyDescription sbDesc;
sbDesc.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float4(0,0,0,1);
sbDesc.ignoreGravity = true;
sbDesc.radius = 300;
sbDesc.radius = 600;
sbDesc.mass = 100;
sbDesc.frictionCoeff_Static = 0;
sbDesc.frictionCoeff_Dynamic = 0;
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ void Level::InitiateLevel(float radius)
sbDesc_TestBox.ignoreGravity = false;
sbDesc_TestBox.mass = 20;
sbDesc_TestBox.size = Oyster::Math::Float4(1,1,1,0);
sbDesc_TestBox.size = Oyster::Math::Float4(0.5,0.5,0.5,0);
ICustomBody* rigidBody_TestBox;
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void Level::InitiateLevel(float radius)
int offset = 0;
for(int i =0; i< nrOfBoxex; i ++)
sbDesc_TestBox.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float4(0,305 + i*5,5,1);
sbDesc_TestBox.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float4(0,605 + i*5,5,1);
rigidBody_TestBox = API::Instance().CreateRigidBody(sbDesc_TestBox).Release();
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ void Level::InitiateLevel(float radius)
offset += nrOfBoxex;
for(int i =0; i< nrOfBoxex; i ++)
sbDesc_TestBox.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float4(-20,320, -200 +( i*7),0);
sbDesc_TestBox.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float4(-20,620, -200 +( i*7),0);
rigidBody_TestBox = API::Instance().CreateRigidBody(sbDesc_TestBox).Release();
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ void Level::InitiateLevel(float radius)
offset += nrOfBoxex;
for(int i =0; i< nrOfBoxex; i ++)
sbDesc_TestBox.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float4(200,320 + ( i*7),0,0);
sbDesc_TestBox.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float4(200,620 + ( i*7),0,0);
rigidBody_TestBox = API::Instance().CreateRigidBody(sbDesc_TestBox).Release();
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ void Level::InitiateLevel(float radius)
offset += nrOfBoxex;
for(int i =0; i< nrOfBoxex; i ++)
sbDesc_TestBox.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float4(5,305 + i*5,0,0);
sbDesc_TestBox.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float4(5,605 + i*5,0,0);
rigidBody_TestBox = API::Instance().CreateRigidBody(sbDesc_TestBox).Release();
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ void Level::InitiateLevel(float radius)
// add crystal
API::SimpleBodyDescription sbDesc_Crystal;
sbDesc_Crystal.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float4(10, 305, 0, 1);
sbDesc_Crystal.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float4(10, 605, 0, 1);
sbDesc_Crystal.ignoreGravity = false;
sbDesc_Crystal.mass = 80;
sbDesc_Crystal.size = Oyster::Math::Float3(1,2,1);
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ void Level::InitiateLevel(float radius)
// add house
API::SimpleBodyDescription sbDesc_House;
//sbDesc_House.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float4(212, 212, 0, 0);
sbDesc_House.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float4(-50, 290, 0, 1);
sbDesc_House.centerPosition = Oyster::Math::Float4(-50, 690, 0, 1);
sbDesc_House.ignoreGravity = false;
sbDesc_House.rotation = Oyster::Math::Float3(0 ,Utility::Value::Radian(90.0f), 0);
sbDesc_House.mass = 90;

View File

@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ void Octree::Visit(ICustomBody* customBodyRef, VisitorAction hitAction )
auto object = this->mapReferences.find(customBodyRef);
// If rigid body is not found
if(object == this->mapReferences.end())
@ -147,8 +148,10 @@ void Octree::Visit(ICustomBody* customBodyRef, VisitorAction hitAction )
unsigned int tempRef = object->second;
// Go through all object and test for intersection
for(unsigned int i = 0; i<this->leafData.size(); i++)
// If objects intersect call collision response function
if(tempRef != i && !this->leafData[i].limbo) if(this->leafData[tempRef].container.Intersects(this->leafData[i].container))
hitAction(*this, tempRef, i);

View File

@ -166,11 +166,6 @@ namespace
auto proto = worldScene.GetCustomBody( protoTempRef );
auto deuter = worldScene.GetCustomBody( deuterTempRef );
if(proto->GetState().GetMass() == 70)
const char *breakpoint = "STOP";
Float4 worldPointOfContact;
if( proto->Intersects(*deuter, worldPointOfContact) )
@ -178,25 +173,12 @@ namespace
ICustomBody::State protoState; proto->GetState( protoState );
ICustomBody::State deuterState; deuter->GetState( deuterState );
Float4 normal = (worldPointOfContact - Float4(deuterState.GetCenterPosition(), 1.0f )); // Init value is only borrowed
if( normal.Dot(normal) > 0.0f )
Float4 normal = deuter->GetNormalAt(worldPointOfContact);
if(normal == Float4::null)
deuter->GetNormalAt( worldPointOfContact, normal );
{ // special case: deuter is completly contained within proto or they have overlapping centers.
normal = Float4( protoState.GetCenterPosition() - deuterState.GetCenterPosition(), 0.0f );
if( normal.Dot(normal) == 0.0f )
{ // they have overlapping centers. Rebound at least
// calculate and store time interpolation value, for later rebound.
proto->SetTimeOfContact( worldPointOfContact );
// borrowing the negated normal of proto.
proto->GetNormalAt( worldPointOfContact, normal );
normal = -normal;
normal = Float4(deuterState.GetCenterPosition(), 1) - Float4(protoState.GetCenterPosition(), 1);
@ -206,12 +188,16 @@ namespace
Float protoG_Magnitude = protoG.Dot( normal ),
deuterG_Magnitude = deuterG.Dot( normal );
if(protoState.GetMass() == 20)
// If true the object is inside the world
if(worldPointOfContact.GetLength() < 600 && protoState.GetCenterPosition().GetLength() != 0)
const char *breakpoint = "STOP";
Float overlap = 600 - worldPointOfContact.GetLength();
Float3 newPos = overlap*worldPointOfContact.GetNormalized();
protoState.SetCenterPosition(protoState.GetCenterPosition() + newPos);
protoState.SetLinearMomentum(Float3(0, 0, 0));
// if they are not relatively moving towards eachother, there is no collision
// If they are not relatively moving towards eachother, there is no collision
Float deltaPos = normal.Dot( Float4(deuterState.GetCenterPosition(), 1) - Float4(protoState.GetCenterPosition(), 1) );
if( deltaPos < 0.0f )
@ -232,64 +218,34 @@ namespace
// bounce
Float4 bounceD = normal * -Formula::CollisionResponse::Bounce( deuterState.GetRestitutionCoeff(),
deuterState.GetMass(), deuterG_Magnitude,
protoState.GetMass(), protoG_Magnitude );
normal = (worldPointOfContact - Float4(protoState.GetCenterPosition(), 1.0f )).GetNormalized();
if( normal.Dot(normal) > 0.0f )
// Proto
normal = -proto->GetNormalAt(worldPointOfContact);
if(normal == Float4::null)
proto->GetNormalAt( worldPointOfContact, normal );
protoG_Magnitude = protoG.Dot( normal );
deuterG_Magnitude = deuterG.Dot( normal );
{ // special case: proto is completly contained within deuter.
// borrowing the negated normal of deuter.
deuter->GetNormalAt( worldPointOfContact, normal );
normal = -normal;
protoG_Magnitude = -protoG_Magnitude;
deuterG_Magnitude = -deuterG_Magnitude;
normal = Float4(protoState.GetCenterPosition(), 1) - Float4(deuterState.GetCenterPosition(), 1);
if( normal != normal ) // debug: trap
const char *breakpoint = "This should never happen";
// Calculate and apply friction to rigid body
Float4 friction = Formula::CollisionResponse::Friction( protoG_Magnitude, normal,
Float4(protoState.GetLinearMomentum(), 0), protoState.GetFrictionCoeff_Static(), protoState.GetFrictionCoeff_Kinetic(), protoState.GetMass(),
Float4(deuterState.GetLinearMomentum(), 0), deuterState.GetFrictionCoeff_Static(), deuterState.GetFrictionCoeff_Kinetic(), deuterState.GetMass());
//protoState.ApplyFriction( );
protoState.ApplyFriction( );
// If no other collision response is wanted then this will stop the bounce
if( proto->CallSubscription_BeforeCollisionResponse(proto) == ICustomBody::SubscriptMessage_ignore_collision_response )
// PLayerHAck
if( proto->CallSubscription_BeforeCollisionResponse(proto) == ICustomBody::SubscriptMessage_player_collision_response )
// bounce
Float4 bounceP = normal * Formula::CollisionResponse::Bounce( protoState.GetRestitutionCoeff(),
// Calaculate bounce
Float4 bounce = normal * Formula::CollisionResponse::Bounce( protoState.GetRestitutionCoeff(),
protoState.GetMass(), protoG_Magnitude,
deuterState.GetMass(), deuterG_Magnitude );
Float4 bounce = bounceP;
//LinearAlgebra3D::InterpolateAxisYToNormal_UsingNlerp(state.SetOrientation(, Float4(state.GetGravityNormal(), 0.0f), 1.0f);
// If bounce is not big enough to matter, set to 0
if( abs(bounce.x) < 0.001 )
bounce.x = 0;
@ -303,14 +259,23 @@ namespace
bounce.z = 0;
Float kineticEnergyPBefore = Oyster::Physics3D::Formula::LinearKineticEnergy( protoState.GetMass(), protoState.GetLinearMomentum()/protoState.GetMass() );
if( bounce != bounce)
const char* breakpoint = "STOP";
// Calculate kinetic energy before impulse is applied
Float kineticEnergyBefore = Oyster::Physics3D::Formula::LinearKineticEnergy( protoState.GetMass(), protoState.GetLinearMomentum()/protoState.GetMass() );
// Apply the bounce as impulse
protoState.ApplyImpulse(,, );
proto->SetState( protoState );
Float kineticEnergyPAFter = Oyster::Physics3D::Formula::LinearKineticEnergy( protoState.GetMass(), (protoState.GetLinearMomentum() + protoState.GetLinearImpulse())/protoState.GetMass() );
// Calculate kinetic energy after impulse is applied
Float kineticEnergyAfter = Oyster::Physics3D::Formula::LinearKineticEnergy( protoState.GetMass(), (protoState.GetLinearMomentum() + protoState.GetLinearImpulse())/protoState.GetMass() );
proto->CallSubscription_AfterCollisionResponse( deuter, kineticEnergyPBefore - kineticEnergyPAFter );
// Call a collision function with kinetic energy loss
proto->CallSubscription_AfterCollisionResponse( deuter, kineticEnergyBefore - kineticEnergyAfter );
@ -373,91 +338,50 @@ float API_Impl::GetFrameTimeLength() const
void API_Impl::Update()
{ /** @todo TODO: Update is a temporary solution .*/
::std::vector<ICustomBody*> updateList;
this->worldScene.Sample( Universe(), updateList );
ICustomBody::State state;
::std::vector<ICustomBody*> updateList;
// Fetch objects in universe
this->worldScene.Sample( Universe(), updateList );
// Change momentum for all rigid bodies
for( int i = 0; i < updateList.size(); i++ )
auto proto = updateList[i];
// Step 1: Apply Gravity
ICustomBody* proto = updateList[i];
// Step 1: Apply gravity to rigid body
Float4 gravityImpulse = Float4::null;
proto->GetState( state );
for( int j = 0; j < this->gravity.size(); ++j )
Float4 deltaPosGrav = Float4( this->gravity[0].well.position, 1.0f ) - Float4( state.GetCenterPosition(), 1.0f );
Float rSquared = deltaPosGrav.Dot( deltaPosGrav );
if( rSquared != 0.0 )
switch( this->gravity[j].gravityType )
case Gravity::GravityType_Well:
Float4 d = Float4( this->gravity[j].well.position, 1.0f ) - Float4( state.GetCenterPosition(), 1.0f );
Float rSquared = d.Dot( d );
if( rSquared != 0.0 )
if(state.GetMass() == 70)
const char *breakpoint = "STOP";
Float force = 9.82*10;
gravityImpulse += ((this->updateFrameLength * force)) * d.GetNormalized();
case Gravity::GravityType_Directed:
gravityImpulse += Float4( this->gravity[j].directed.impulse, 0.0f );
// case Gravity::GravityType_DirectedField:
// //this->gravity[i].directedField.
// //! TODO: @todo rethink
// break;
default: break;
Float force = 9.82*10;
gravityImpulse += (this->updateFrameLength*force)*deltaPosGrav.GetNormalized();
if( gravityImpulse != gravityImpulse ) // debug: trap
const char *breakpoint = "This should never happen";
Float posLength = state.GetCenterPosition().GetLength();
if( gravityImpulse != Float4::null && posLength - 300 > state.GetReach().y )
if( gravityImpulse != Float4::null && posLength - 601 > state.GetReach().GetLength() )
state.ApplyLinearImpulse( );
state.SetGravityNormal( gravityImpulse.GetNormalized().xyz );
proto->SetState( state );
if(state.GetMass() == 70)
const char *breakpoint = "STOP";
// Step 2: Apply Collision Response
// Step 2: Step through octree and apply collision responses to rigid body
this->worldScene.Visit( proto, OnPossibleCollision );
// Go through all rigid bodies and move them according to their momentums
for( int i = 0; i < updateList.size(); i++ )
auto proto = updateList[i];
proto->GetState( state );
Float3 lM = state.GetLinearMomentum();
//LinearAlgebra3D::InterpolateAxisYToNormal_UsingNlerp(state.SetOrientation(, Float4(state.GetGravityNormal(), 0.0f), 1.0f);
if( abs(lM.x) < this->epsilon )
state.linearMomentum.x = 0;
if( abs(lM.y) < this->epsilon )
state.linearMomentum.y = 0;
if( abs(lM.z) < this->epsilon )
state.linearMomentum.z = 0;
proto->SetState( state );
switch( proto->Update(this->updateFrameLength) )
case UpdateState_altered:
// Moves the container in the octree to the new rigid body position
this->worldScene.SetAsAltered( this->worldScene.GetTemporaryReferenceOf(proto) );
case UpdateState_resting:

View File

@ -111,6 +111,11 @@ SimpleRigidBody::SimpleRigidBody( const API::SimpleBodyDescription &desc )
this->scene = nullptr;
this->customTag = nullptr;
this->ignoreGravity = desc.ignoreGravity;
this-> = this->rigid.centerPos;
this->collisionRebound.previousSpatial.axis = this->rigid.axis;
this->collisionRebound.previousSpatial.reach = this->rigid.boundingReach;
this->collisionRebound.timeOfContact = 1.0f;
SimpleRigidBody::~SimpleRigidBody() {}

View File

@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ SphericalRigidBody::State SphericalRigidBody::GetState() const
this->rigid.frictionCoeff_Static, this->rigid.frictionCoeff_Kinetic,
this->rigid.GetMomentOfInertia(), this->rigid.boundingReach,
this->rigid.centerPos, this->rigid.axis,
this->rigid.momentum_Linear, this->rigid.momentum_Angular );
this->rigid.momentum_Linear, this->rigid.momentum_Angular,
this->gravityNormal );
SphericalRigidBody::State & SphericalRigidBody::GetState( SphericalRigidBody::State &targetMem ) const
@ -107,7 +108,8 @@ SphericalRigidBody::State & SphericalRigidBody::GetState( SphericalRigidBody::St
this->rigid.frictionCoeff_Static, this->rigid.frictionCoeff_Kinetic,
this->rigid.GetMomentOfInertia(), this->rigid.boundingReach,
this->rigid.centerPos, this->rigid.axis,
this->rigid.momentum_Linear, this->rigid.momentum_Angular );
this->rigid.momentum_Linear, this->rigid.momentum_Angular,
this->gravityNormal );
void SphericalRigidBody::SetState( const SphericalRigidBody::State &state )
@ -299,6 +301,11 @@ void SphericalRigidBody::Predict( ::Oyster::Math::Float4 &outDeltaPos, ::Oyster:
this->rigid.Predict_LeapFrog(,,,, deltaTime );
void SphericalRigidBody::SetScene( void *scene )
this->scene = (Octree*)scene;
void SphericalRigidBody::SetSubscription( ICustomBody::EventAction_BeforeCollisionResponse functionPointer )
if( functionPointer )
@ -335,11 +342,6 @@ void SphericalRigidBody::SetSubscription( ICustomBody::EventAction_Move function
void SphericalRigidBody::SetScene( void *scene )
this->scene = (Octree*)scene;
void SphericalRigidBody::SetGravity( bool ignore )
this->ignoreGravity = ignore;
@ -349,6 +351,7 @@ void SphericalRigidBody::SetGravity( bool ignore )
void SphericalRigidBody::SetGravityNormal( const Float3 &normalizedVector )
this->gravityNormal = normalizedVector;
this->rigid.gravityNormal = Float4( this->gravityNormal, 0 );
void SphericalRigidBody::SetCustomTag( void *ref )

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void RigidBody::Update_LeapFrog( Float updateFrameLength )
// ds = dt * Formula::LinearVelocity( m, avg_G ) = dt * avg_G / m = (dt / m) * avg_G
Float3 delta = AverageWithDelta( this->momentum_Linear, this->impulse_Linear );
Float3 newPos = ( updateFrameLength)*this->momentum_Linear;
Float3 newPos = updateFrameLength*this->momentum_Linear;
this->centerPos += newPos;
if(this->mass == 70)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ void RigidBody::Update_LeapFrog( Float updateFrameLength )
// updating the angular
// dO = dt * Formula::AngularVelocity( (RI)^-1, avg_H ) = dt * (RI)^-1 * avg_H
this->axis += updateFrameLength * this->momentOfInertiaTensor.CalculateAngularVelocity( this->rotation, AverageWithDelta(this->momentum_Angular, this->impulse_Angular) );
this->axis += updateFrameLength*this->momentOfInertiaTensor.CalculateAngularVelocity( this->rotation, this->momentum_Angular );
this->rotation = Rotation( this->axis );
// update momentums and clear impulse_Linear and impulse_Angular